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Release Notes 06/30/22


In this update, we're excited to introduce new features to GoldFinch AR Management, catering specifically to users who don't utilize Accounting Seed as their accounting package. These additions enhance your ability to manage Accounts Receivable effectively and streamline communication with your customers.

New Features

Print/Email Customer Statement

  • New Feature: GoldFinch AR Management allows users to generate and send Customer Statements effortlessly. Improve customer communication and transparency by providing a comprehensive overview of their accounts.

Print/Email AR Aging

  • New Feature: Stay on top of your Accounts Receivable with the ability to print or email AR Aging reports directly from GoldFinch AR Management. Keep your customers informed about outstanding balances and payment history.

Bank Deposits

  • New Feature: Streamline your financial processes with the addition of Bank Deposits. Easily record and manage deposits directly within GoldFinch AR Management, ensuring accurate and efficient tracking of your financial transactions.

Upgrade Information

You are welcome to schedule a meeting with us if you would like to learn more. Please email us at

Let us know if you have any feedback. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions.

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