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Release Notes 03/31/22


Ranging from graphical job scheduling to significant updates in SKU management and improved financial controls, this release is aimed at fortifying functionality, simplifying processes, and delivering an even more user-friendly experience.

New Features

Graphical Interface for Job Scheduling

  • New Feature: Introducing a graphical interface to schedule GoldFinch jobs, allowing users to set up automated tasks to run hourly, daily, or weekly. Enhance efficiency in job management with a visually intuitive scheduling system.

Automated SKU Creation and Update Routines

  • New Feature: Implement routines for the automatic creation and real-time update of SKUs based on Qty. on Hand, On PO, and Not Allocated Qty. Streamline inventory management and ensure accurate SKU information.

Update Transactions on Item Type or Units of Measure Conversion

  • Enhancement: Ensure consistency and accuracy by updating all open transactions when modifying Item Type or Units of Measure conversion in the system.

Purchase Tax Module

  • New Feature: Introducing a dedicated Purchase Tax module for comprehensive control and management of purchase-related taxes.

Multi-GL Ledger Functionalities

  • New Feature: Implement Multi-GL Ledger functionalities throughout the GoldFinch system, providing enhanced flexibility and control over financial transactions.

Sales Price v2 and Sales Forecast 2 Tables

  • New Feature: Replaced Sales Price v1 and Sales Forecast v1 tables with Sales Price v2 and Sales Forecast 2 tables, respectively.

Freeze Allocation Field for Sales Orders

  • New Feature: Introduce a Freeze Allocation field to Sales Orders. When checked, the allocation for the Sales Order will not be changed during updates, ensuring stability in order processing.

GL Batches Differentiation for QuickBooks Integration

  • New Feature: Add new fields to differentiate GL Batches by AR, AP, or neither, enhancing integration with QuickBooks.

Mass Close Purchase Orders

  • New Feature: Streamline purchase order management with the ability to mass close purchase orders, saving time and ensuring accurate recordkeeping.

Recalculate Line Discounts and Invoice Discounts

  • Enhancement: Enhance accuracy in Sales Invoice processes with the ability to recalculate Line Discounts. The Invoice Discount in the Sales Invoice will be based on the Gross Invoice Amount, instead of the Net Amount.

Upgrade Information

These features collectively aim to provide you with a more powerful, flexible, and efficient GoldFinch experience. We value your feedback, so please feel free to share your thoughts and report any issues. Please email us at

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