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Release Notes 03/31/20

  • Increased the decimal points to 5 places on both Sales and Purchase transactions.

  • Moved Outbound Freight Items setup field from the Company Setup to the Item to allow for multiple Outbound Freight Items.  

  • Added Reverse Kit BOM functionality to consume the parent item and output components, while keeping the inventory costs linked between them.

  • Moved Prepaid Payment Terms field flag from the Company Setup to the Payment Terms table to allow multiple prepaid payment terms for different B2C E-Commerce platforms.

  • Added the Catch Weight feature to allow for receiving and shipping catch weight items in Cases but priced at LB. The conversion factor between the case and LB could be different for each of the cases.

  • Added 4 Dimension Values to accommodate more granule granular financial reporting.

  • Moved COGS, Sales, Purchase, Sales Discount, Sales Return, and Purchase Return GL setup from the Item to the Account Posting Setup table to allow for different posting setups per Customer or and Vendor posting groups.

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