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Register Work

To register Work for the Work Center, you can use either the desktop or mobile interface.

Go to the Work Line tab, and select Open Routing Steps. You can clone this view to create a view for each work center.

Click on New to register a new Work.

Populate fields on the page, then click on Save.

You can Register Works multiple times for a Work Line in the Register Works section.

After you register all work, click Create Production Journal to post output and consumption.

  • Input Qty. is the Output Qty. of the previous Work Line.

  • Raw Material consumption is based on the Input Qty.

The previous operation must be finished.

Total Output Qty. Register and Scrap Qty. Register must be the same as the previous Work Line’s Output Qty, or Work Order Quantity if the Work Line is the first routing step.

Report Output by Routing must be checked for the Output Item.

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