Recurring Tasks
In GoldFinch, you can set up recurring Tasks to save time entering data.
Navigate to the Recurring Tasks tab.
Click New to create a new recurring Task.
Enter the following information:
Recurring Task Name
Repeat Every
Task Frequency
Assigned To
Next Task Date
Next Task Due Date
GL Ledger (Optional)
Create a New Task Manually
To manually create a new Task from a recurring task, navigate to the Recurring Task page. Then click Create Task.
GoldFinch checks for the following:
Status must be Active.
Assigned To cannot be blank.
Next Task Date cannot be blank.
Next Task Due Date cannot be blank.
After the new Task is created, GoldFinch automatically updates the Next Task Date and Next Task Due Date based on the Task Frequency.
Alternatively, you can create multiple tasks by going to the list of Recurring Tasks.
Select a list view. Then select all the records that you would like to create tasks for.
Then click Create Tasks.
To Create Tasks Automatically
Use GoldFinch Job Scheduler to schedule the below job to run every night.
GoldFinch will automatically create tasks for Recurring Tasks with the following criteria:
Next Task Create = Next 7 Days