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QuickBooks Desktop


Transaction Pro 7.0

QuickBooks Premier Edition, QuickBooks Enterprise Edition 2020

** For testing, install Wholesales and Manufacturing Edition, then open Demo Wholesales and Manufacturing company.

Integration Overview

To minimize integration and to improve customer service in Salesforce, you should manage Inventory and AR in GoldFinch, and manage AP and GL in QuickBooks.

Purchases and Summarized GL from GoldFinch are exported manually and saved as Excel files.  Files are manually imported to QuickBooks Desktop using Transaction Pro.

Transaction Pro is a 3rd party application used to import data into QuickBooks Desktop.

Important Notes:

  • ** Vendor accounts must be created manually in both GoldFinch and QuickBooks Desktop - account names MUST match exactly!

  • ** Payment Terms must be created manually in both GoldFinch and QuickBooks Desktop - payment term names MUST match exactly!

Get Started with Transaction Pro

Purchase Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Desktop:

Connect Transaction Pro to QuickBooks Desktop.

  • Both Transaction Pro and QuickBooks must be running on the same computer.

  • Download and install Transaction Pro.

  • Follow these procedures to connect Transaction Pro to QuickBooks

GoldFinch Setup

In GoldFinch Company Setup, place a checkmark in the field for Use Posting Date for Purchase Invoice Date.

Warning!  Do not override this flag when posting.  The posting date from GoldFinch must match the Invoice date in QuickBooks - this keeps the transactions in the same accounting period.

Navigate to Custom Setting, then System Settings. Add two more parameters to assist with GL Entries Import to QuickBooks Desktop.

  • By default, you cannot import AR or AP GL Entries to QuickBooks without a Customer, or a Vendor.

  • CustomAPAccountName. Enter 9999-Offset to the Value field.

    • This GL Account must be set up in QuickBooks first.

    • 9999-Offset is used as the offset account to AP when Purchase Invoices and exported.

    • When GL Entries are exported, AP Account is replaced with 9999-Offset.

  • CustomARAccountName. Enter 1201-Accounts Receivable GF to the Value field.

    • This GL Account must not be an AR Control Account in QuickBooks Desktop.

    • When GL Entries are exported, AR Accounts will be replaced with 1201-Accounts Receivable GF.

Transaction Pro - Basic Setup

Configure Transaction Pro using the settings below.

Transaction Pro: Basic Options

  • Under "List Items"  check all boxes

  • Select "Generate Transaction Log - outputs all processed and failed transactions to a log window"

Transaction Pro: e-Commerce Options

  • Enable TPI e-Commerce Features

  • Import File Structure = Separate rows (records) for each item sold

QuickBooks Desktop - Setup Items

We use Service Items in QuickBooks Desktop for integration. 

Important!  Inventory data is complex - we only track Inventory in GoldFinch.  Attempting to maintain inventory data in both systems is complicated and prone to errors.

GL Accounts

Create a GL Account in QuickBooks Desktop named "9999-Offset".

Create a GL Account in QuickBooks Desktop named "1201-Accounts Receivable GF".

Inventory Service items

Create a service item in QuickBooks Desktop named "Z-Inventory Purchases" - assigning the item to a GL account.

All purchase lines in GoldFinch will be converted to QuickBooks Desktop's generic Z-Inventory service items.

  • Type = Service

  • Item Name/Number = Z-Inventory Purchases

  • Tax Code = Non

  • Description = Inventory Purchases from GoldFinch

  • Account = 9999-Offset Account

File Formats

Transaction Pro accepts a text file with the .csv (tab-separated values) file type.  GoldFinch will automatically generate this file for you.

Purchase Invoices and Credit Memos

Fields exported from GoldFinch to QuickBooks.

Field Name


Field Name



Pay-to Vendor

Transaction Date

Invoice Date


Vendor Invoice No.

Bill Due

Due Date


Payment Terms


GoldFinch Purchase Invoice No.

Items Item

Item number

Items Qty

Item quantity

Items Description

Item description

Items Cost

Unit Cost

GL Entries

Fields exported from GoldFinch to QuickBooks.

Field Name


Field Name



GL Batch No.

Transaction Date

Posting Date


GL Account No.


Positive Amount


Negative Amount exported as a positive number


Document No.

Export files from GoldFinch

Purchase Invoices and Purchase Credit Memos

Purchase Invoices and Purchase Credit Memos must be exported and imported into QuickBooks separately - do not combine the import files!  Transaction Pro handles each import individually so that GoldFinch data can be aligned with the QuickBooks data structure.

  • In GoldFinch, navigate to Purchase Invoices. Create these two list views if they are not available.

    • Posted Invoices Not Exported, with Document Status = Posted, Credit Memo = false, and Exported Date = blank.

    • Posted Credit Memo Not Exported, with Document Status = Posted, Credit Memo = true, and Exported Date = blank.

  • Click on any one of the list views. Select all records, then click Generate TXT button.

  • After records are exported, Exported Date will be populated with today’s date.

  • Save the file

GL Entries

  • In GoldFinch, navigate to GL Batch, then click the "Not Exported" list.

    • Not Exported List has all GL Batches with Closed = True and Exported Date = blank.

    • Select GL Batches, then click the Export GL Entries button.

    • After GL Batches are exported, Exported Date will be populated with today’s date.

Import to QuickBooks Desktop with Transaction Pro

Purchase Invoices

  • Open Transaction Pro on your desktop computer where QuickBooks is running.

  • Browse and select the import file

  • Set parameters:  Field = Tab, Record = CR/LF, Import Type = Bill

  • Click Next

  • The file content screen displays imported file data. 

    Check to make sure the data file is correct, you can delete lines if necessary.

  • Click Next

  • Map fields (maps can be saved)
    To map fields for the first time - click "Clear Map" and "Field Match"

  • Click Next

  • Review the results of the mapping.

  • Click Next

  • Click Finish

  • The file will be imported and validated.

  • Select Service as Item Type and 9999-Offset as Account for this screen.

  • View the log.

Purchase Credit Memos

  • Same procedures as for the Purchase Invoice, but in TransactionPro select:
    Import Type = Vendor Credit

Review Bills/Credits in QuickBooks

Go to QuickBooks\Vendors\Vendor Center\Transactions\Bills to review. Add Memo to the list view.

GL Entries

  • Open Transaction Pro on your desktop computer where QuickBooks is running.

  • Browse and select the import file

  • Set parameters:  Field = Tab, Record = CR/LF, Import Type = Journal Entry

  • Click Next

  • The file content screen displays imported file data. 

  • Click Next

  • Map fields (maps can be saved)
    To map fields for the first time - click "Clear Map" and "Field Match"

  • Click Next

  • Review the results of the mapping.

  • Click Next

  • Click Finish. The file will be imported and validated.

  • If you receive the below errors, you must check to ensure AR Account or AP Account are not used in the GL export.

    • By default, you cannot import GL Entries with AR Account or AP Account, but without a Customer, or a Vendor.

    • Go back to GoldFinch to update Custom Setting.

    • Then, export GL Entries again.

  • View the log.

Review GL Entries in QuickBooks

Go to QuickBooks\Reports\Accountants & Taxes\Journals to review.

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