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QC Test

Field Label

Field Level Help

Approved Quantity

Total number of tested Items that were approved.

Batch No.

The Batch Number of the Item(s) being tested.

Block Type

Either No Block or Status Block.

Expiration Date

The Expiration Date of the Item Lot being tested.


The Item being tested.

Item Journal

The Item Journal associated with the QC Test.

Item Lot

The Item Lot being tested.

Manufacture Date

The Manufacture Date of the Item Lot being tested.

New Test Status

Possible values: Accept, Reject, or QC.

Old Test Status

Possible values: Accept, Reject, or QC.


Indicates if the Item(s) passed or failed the test.

Purchase Order

The Purchase Order associated with the Item(s) being tested.

Test by Technician

The Technician conducting the test.

Test Date

The date that the test was conducted.

Test Quantity

The Quantity of the Item being tested.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure of the Item(s) being tested.

Whse Receipt

The Whse. Receipt associated with the Item(s) being tested.

Whse Receipt Line

The specific Whse. Receipt Line associated with the Item(s) being tested.

Work Order

The Work Order that generated the Item(s) being tested.

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