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Purchase Invoice Line

Field Label

Field Level Help

Accounting Variable 1, 2, 3, 4

Default from Item, or Purchase Invoice.

Assigned Qty.

Used for landed cost allocation.  Assigned Qty. = Qty. on the selected Whse. Receipt Line. 


Defaults to the Broker on the Purchase Invoice but can be updated.  Used to prepare Broker commission report.

Catch Weight

Signifies that the received Item is a Catch Weight Item. Defined on the Item.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Purchase Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Credit Memo

Indicates that the Purchase Invoice is a Credit Memo.

Currency Decimals

Number of decimals used in the Currency on Purchase Line. The default value is 2.

Currency Factor

The conversion factor of the purchase currency to the Default Currency defined on the Company Setup.


Defaults from the Item.  Can be updated. 


Line Amount x Discount %

Discount %

The percentage to be subtracted from the Line Amount.

Document Status

Automatically populated by GoldFinch with one of the following: Open, Posted, Partially Invoiced, or Fully Invoiced.

GL Invoiced LC1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Invoice Landed Cost / Currency Factor.

GL Landed Cost1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Landed Cost / Currency Factor. 

GL Landed Cost Variance1, 2, 3, 4, 5

GL Landed Cost - GL Invoiced Cost

GL Line Cost

Line Cost / Currency Factor. It is used for GL posting.

GL Line Cost Incl. Landed Costs

Line Cost Incl. Landed Costs / Currency Factor. It is used for GL posting.

GL Line Cost Incl. Tax

GL Line Cost + GL Tax. It is used for GL posting.

GL Tax

Tax / Currency Factor

Import Purchase Line

The Import Purchase Line record is associated with the Purchase Invoice Line.

Invoiced LC1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The actual Landed Cost value to be assigned to the associated Whse. Receipt Line.

Is for WO

Indicates that the Purchase Invoice Line was created from a Work Order.


The Item being purchased.

Item Type

Defined on the Item record. Can be either Item or Service.

Landed Cost 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Accrued Landed Cost. Based on Landed Cost % defined on the Item record. Can be changed.

Line Cost

Quantity x Unit Cost

Line Cost Incl. Landed Costs

Line Cost + Landed Cost 1 + Landed Cost 2 + ... + Landed Cost 5

Line Cost Incl. Tax

Line Cost + Tax

Line No.

Automatically assigned by GoldFinch. This field is incremented by one with each new Line. Can be used to sort Purchase Invoice Lines.

Line Type

Used by GoldFinch for calulating Landed Costs. Automatically assigned to one of the following: Regular, Outbound Freight, Inbound LC1, Inbound LC2, Inbound LC3, Inbound LC4, Inbound LC5, or Assigned Line.

Outside Service

Specifies that the Item purchased is from an Outside Service to be used on a Work Order. Defined on the Item record.

Parent Line

Used for assigning Landed Costs to Whse. Receipts that have already been posted. See Assign Landed Costs for Reporting.

Promotion Calendar

The Promotion Calendar linked to the Purchase Invoice Line.

Purch. Price Id

Lookup to Purchase Price object.

Purchase Invoice

Defaults from the Purchase Invoice header.

Purchase Line

The Purchase Line linked to the Purchase Invoice Line.

Purchase Order

The Purchase Order linked to the Purchase Invoice Line.

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


Quantity invoiced.

Receipt Line

The Whse. Receipt Line linked to the Purchase Invoice Line.

Received Not Invoiced Qty.

The Quantity that has been received on the linked Whse. Receipt Line but has not yet been invoiced.

Sales Invoice

The Sales Invoice linked to the Purchase Invoice Line. Used for outbound freight allocation.

Standard Base Cost

The Standard Cost of the Item.

Standard Cost Item

Indicates that the Item is configured for standard costing.

Standard Line Cost

Standard Base Cost x Quantity


Line Cost x Tax %

Tax %

Automatically populated by GoldFinch based on the Tax Area on the Purchase Invoice and Tax Group on the Purchase Invoice Line.

Tax Group

The Tax Group for the Line Item. Used in calculating tax.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost to be invoiced.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure for the Item(s) being purchased. Defaults from the Item.

Whse Receipt

The Whse. Receipt linked to the Purchase Invoice Line.

Work Center

Signifies that an Outside Service being purchased is a Work Center. Defined on the Item.

Work Line

The corresponding line on the Work Order associated with the Purchase Invoice Line.

Work Order

The Work Order associated with the Purchase Invoice Line.

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