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The GoldFinch Purchase app streamlines the procurement process by allowing you to efficiently manage key purchasing activities. It provides tools to process Purchase Orders, Warehouse (Whse.) Receipts, Put-aways, and Purchase Invoices, making it easier to track and manage inventory as it moves through the supply chain. Additionally, the app includes a Supply Planning feature to automatically suggest purchase orders based on demand and inventory levels.

Key Features

  1. Purchase Orders:
    Create and manage purchase orders to procure goods from vendors. This feature helps you track purchase orders from creation to completion.

  2. Whse. Receipts:
    Record incoming shipments and update inventory upon receiving goods. Warehouse Receipts ensure that the system reflects actual stock levels after receipt.

  3. Put-aways:
    Manage the movement of goods within the warehouse, placing them in appropriate storage locations after they are received.

  4. Purchase Invoices:
    Process and record vendor invoices related to the purchase orders. Purchase Invoices help maintain accurate financial records and ensure that payments are processed correctly.

  5. Supply Planning:
    Use the Supply Planning feature to automatically generate purchase order suggestions based on stock levels, demand, and other planning parameters. This ensures optimal inventory levels and avoids stock shortages or excesses.

By leveraging the GoldFinch Purchase app, businesses can streamline their purchasing workflows, ensure accurate inventory tracking, and improve overall efficiency in the procurement process.

Overview Video

Training Video

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