Field Label | Field Level Help |
Alternate Shipping | The Alternate Shipping associated with the Project. | |
Billing City | The Billing City of the Billing Contact. | |
Billing Contact | The Billing Contact associated with the Project. | |
Billing Country | The Billing Country of the Billing Contact. | |
Billing Postal Code | The Billing Postal Code of the Billing Contact. | |
Billing State | The Billing State of the Billing Contact. | |
Billing Street | The Billing Street of the Billing Contact. | |
Blocked | If it is checked, this indicates that the Project is blocked. | |
Completion Date | The date the Project is completed. | |
Contact | The Contact associated with the Project. | |
Created By | The user who created this Project record. | |
Customer | The Customer Account associated with the Project. | |
Description | Area for entering details regarding the Project. | |
Ending Date | The ending date for the Project. | |
Project Manager | The Project Manager associated with the Project. | |
Shipping City | The Shipping City of the Shipping Contact. | |
Shipping Contact | The Shipping Contact associated with the Project. | |
Shipping Country | The Shipping Country of the Shipping Contact. | |
Shipping Postal Code | The Shipping Postal Code of the Shipping Contact. | |
Shipping State | The Shipping State of the Shipping Contact. | |
Shipping Street | The Shipping Street of the Shipping Contact. | |
Starting Date | The date this Project starts. | |
Statement of Work | ||
Status | The status of the project. Either Planning, Quote, Open, or Completed. | |
Total Actual Cost | A calculated summary of the underlying Project Ledger entries for total cost. | |
Total Actual Price | A calculated summary of the underlying Project Ledger entries for total price. | |
Total Budget Cost | A calculated summary of the underlying Project Tasks for total budget cost. | |
Total Budget Price | A calculated summary of the underlying Project Tasks for total budget price. |