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Process Purchase Invoices for Non-Inventory Related Expenses


In GoldFinch, you can use either GL Accounts or service items to charge expenses. By using the service items option, you can control what GL Accounts you want your users to use, without exposing the complete Chart of Accounts.

How to Use GL Accounts

Post to GL Accounts Directly on Purchase Invoices or Sales Invoices

How to Use Service Items

For example, say you have a legal bill to pay and the GL Account for the legal bill is 6000-Legal Expenses.

First, set up a new service item for GL Account 6000-Legal Expenses.

  • Item No. = Z-6000-Legal Expenses.

  • Item Type = Service.

Add a new Accounting Posting Setup record for the item.

Enter 6000-Legal Expenses to both Account Purchase and Account Purchase Return.

Enter the Company Setup.

Create a Purchase Invoice.

Enter the Buy-from Vendor, Invoice Date, and Vendor Invoice No. to the header.

Search the service item, either by GL Account No. or Name.

Enter Quantity = 1, and Unit Price = the Invoice Amount.

Save and Post the Purchase Invoice.

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