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Process Imported Shipments


We use the Import Shipment object as a temporary holding place for all shipments processed by the 3PL.  There are four ways of inserting shipments.

Order Sources

Order Source

How Shipments are Transmitted


Process EDI 940 and EDI 945


Your EDI Software Provider can read shipments from the 3PL system, then use the EDI 945 (standard shipment) to insert records into the Import Shipment object.   The GoldFinch Sales Order must have been created already. The GoldFinch Process Shipments routine will create Whse. Shipments from the existing Sales Orders.


The 3PL can insert B2B shipments directly into the Import Shipments object, bypassing the EDI transmission.  The GoldFinch Process Shipments routine will create Sales Invoices directly, without Sales Orders, or Whse. Shipments.


The 3PL can insert B2C shipments directly into the Import Shipments table, bypassing the EDI transmission.  The GoldFinch Process Shipments routine will create Sales Invoices directly, without Sales Orders, or Whse. Shipments.

GoldFinch Mappings

Order Sources

Depending on the Order Source, GoldFinch will process Import Shipment records differently.  

Order Source

How Shipments are Processed


Process EDI 940 and EDI 945


  • The GoldFinch Sales Order must have been created already. The GoldFinch Process Shipments routine will create Whse. Shipment from Sales Orders.

  • If the Sales Order field is not blank, it will be used to locate the Sales Order. If it is blank, Customer PO. No. and Customer No. will be used to locate the Sales Order.

  • All items and UOM in the Import Shipment must already exist on the Sales Order.

  • GoldFinch will use the Quantity on the Import Shipment to create allocations on the Sales Orders and to create Whse. Shipment.  GoldFinch assumes that there is enough inventory at this stage.

3PL B2B 

  • Required fields: Customer No. | Customer PO No.

  • The Customer No. will be used to match the Customer No. on the Account in GoldFinch. If found, populate back Customer_Id

  • The Customer PO No. and the Customer No. will be used to check any duplicates on the Sales Invoice for the account. 

  • Invoice No. must be unique.


  • Required fields: Warehouse | Customer No (used to store E-Commerce Customer Id) | Contact Email (if the Use Email to Search Account option is enabled) 

  • If the Use Email to Search Account feature is not enabled, the Customer No. will be used to match the E-Commerce Customer Id on the Account in GoldFinch.  Enabling the Person Account feature will determine how GoldFinch determines the Customer, Contact and Alternate Shipping address to use. 

    • If the Person Account feature is not enabled:

      • The Customer No. will be used to match to the E-Commerce Id on Account in GoldFinch. If the account is not found, GoldFinch will create a new account.

      • Then use the Contact Email to match the Contact for the Account.  If the contact is not found, GoldFinch will create a new contact. 

      • Then use the Shipping Street and Shipping Postal Code to match to the Alternate Shipping for the Account. If the alternate shipping is not found, Goldfinch will create new alternate shipping.

    • If the Person Account feature is enabled:

      • The Customer No. will be used to match to the E-Commerce Id on Account in GoldFinch.  If the account is not found, GoldFinch will create a new Person Account only.  A contact and alternate shipping will not be created.

  • If the Use Email to Search Account is enabled, the Contact Email will be used to match to the Contact in GoldFinch.  Enabling the Person Account feature will determine how GoldFinch determines the Contact

    • If the Person Account feature is not enabled:

      • The Contact Email will be used to match to the email on the Contact in GoldFinch. If found, the shipping contact and the associated account will be used.  If the contact is not found, GoldFinch will create a new account and contact.  

      • Then use the Shipping Street and Shipping Postal Code to match to the Alternate Shipping for the Account, If the alternate shipping is not found, GoldFinch will create a new alternate shipping.

    • If the Person Account feature is enabled:

      • The Contact Email will be used to match to the Person Email on the Account in GoldFinch.  If the account is not found, GoldFinch will create a new Person Account only.  A contact and alternate shipping will not be created.

  • Invoice No. must be unique.

Creating Sales Shipments or Sales Invoices

After the data has been transmitted, the shipments or invoices will need to be created in GoldFinch by going to the Import Shipments page in the GoldFinch Conversion app.

  1. Select the "Not Processed" view.  This view will be filtered on the Processes field = False.  If you have orders coming in from different sources, you can create a view to also filter on the Order Source field. 

  2. Select all records that you would like to process.

  3. Click the "Process Whse Shipment" button.

The outcome of processing the Whse Shipment will be different deepening on the Order Type.

  • Warehouse Shipments will be updated for EDI orders

  • Whse. Shipments will be created from existing Sales Orders for EDIX2 orders.

  • Sales Invoiced will be created for 3PL B2C and 3PL B2B orders.

Error Text

If there are any errors that will not allow the Whse Shipment line to process, the Import Shipment line will not be processed, and an error text will be written to display the reason the line cannot be processed.

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