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Process E-Commerce Orders


GoldFinch offers multiple methods for importing orders, with the Import Sales Orders object serving as a temporary holding place for orders transmitted from various e-commerce platforms. 

Order Sources

The following outlines how orders are transmitted to GoldFinch based on the source:

  • Shopify - Web: GoldFinch’s Shopify integration module downloads orders. If the One Customer field in Custom Settings is checked, the Customer Name (instead of the E-Commerce Customer ID) will populate the Import Order table.

  • Shopify - Amazon Seller Central: Similar to Shopify - Web, orders are downloaded via the integration module, with customer information depending on the One Customer setting.

  • WooCommerce: Orders are downloaded through GoldFinch’s WooCommerce integration module. If the One Customer field is checked, the Customer Name is used instead of the E-Commerce Customer ID.

  • Amazon Seller Central: Orders are downloaded as CSV files directly from Amazon and imported into GoldFinch using the Import Amazon CSV function.

  • 3PL B2B: Orders are inserted via API by the 3PL system.

GoldFinch Mapping

Each order source requires specific data mapping for customer and item information.

Customer Mapping

Order Source

How Customers Are Mapped

Shopify - Web

  • If the E-Commerce ID is present in the Import Order:

    • GoldFinch first attempts to match the E-Commerce Customer ID with an existing Account or Contact in the system.

    • If no match is found, GoldFinch will search by Contact Email to find the corresponding Contact.

    • If still not found, GoldFinch will automatically create a new Account and Contact.

    • The system will then check the Shipping Street and Postal Code to locate an existing Alternate Shipping record. If none is found, a new Alternate Shipping entry will be created.

  • If the E-Commerce Customer ID is blank:

    • GoldFinch will use the Customer Name to search for the corresponding Account.

Shopify - Amazon Seller Central

Same as Shopify - Web.


Same as Shopify - Web.

Amazon Seller Central

Same as Shopify - Web.


  • The Customer No. is mapped to the Customer No. on the Account object.

  • The Shipping Name is mapped to Alternate Shipping Name on the Alternate Shipping object.

Item Mapping

  • Cross-References are required to map items for EDI orders. If no Cross-Reference is found, GoldFinch uses the Item Name for mapping.

Creating Sales Orders

To create Sales Orders from imported data:

  1. Navigate to the Import Orders tab in the GoldFinch Conversion app.

  2. Select the Not Processed view (filtered by the Processed field = False).

    • If you have orders from different sources, create a custom view that filters on the Order Source field.

  3. Select all the records you want to create orders for.

  4. Click the Create Orders button.

Note: To prevent duplicate sales orders, ensure that the Do Not Allow Duplicate PO option is enabled on the customer Account.

Error Handling

If any errors prevent Sales Orders from being created, the affected Import Orders will not be processed. An error message will display the reason for the failure.

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