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Process General Journals

To create a new General Journal, you can clone one of the existing General Journals, or click New.

Update the Posting Date on the header.

Fill in the GL Account, Debit, Credit, or Amount in the Lines section.

You can enter both positive and negative amounts to Debit and Credit fields.

It is possible to tag each General Journal Line with the following additional information:

  • Account (Customer or Vendor)

  • Accounting Variables 1 to 4

Review to ensure the Total Amount of the General Journal is 0, then Post the General Journal.

To prevent a user from posting General Journals, you can create a new page layout without the Post and Unpost buttons and assign it to the user's profile.

GL Entries will be created.

You are not allowed to post directly to GL Accounts defined on the Company Setup that have sub-ledgers associated with them. These GL Accounts are:

  • Account AR

  • Account AP

  • Account Finished Good Inventory

  • Account Subassembly Inventory

  • Account Raw Material Inventory

  • Current Year Earnings

  • Retained Earnings

You must use Sales Invoices, Purchase Invoices, or Item Journals to adjust the GL Accounts balance for these accounts. Read Company Setup for more field help.

To bypass this check, you can temporarily replace the GL Accounts set up on the Company Setup with a GL Account that you are not currently using to post. In addition, make sure no users are posting transactions until you revert GL Account setup changes.

This rule is not enforced if you are posting a General Journal for elimination entries.

Additional Information

  • To filter out these GL Accounts on General Journals, you can put a check in the Do Not Use on General Journal field on these GL Account’s page layout.

  • Foreign Amount and Foreign Currency Code must be entered if the GL Account’s Foreign Currency Code is not blank. GoldFinch allows you to track GL Balance using the base currency and the foreign currency for the same GL Account.

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