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Process Drop Ships


GoldFinch allows you to specify Sales Orders as ‘Drop Ship’ by changing the Purchasing Type on the Sales Line. Dropshipping is an order fulfillment method where a business doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock.

The Item’s replenishment system must be Purchase Order.

Create a Sales Order

Open the App Launcher. Search for Sales Order.

Click on the New button to make a new Sales Order.

For each Item, update (or create) its Sales Line by setting the Purchasing Type field to Drop Ship

When complete, click Save.

Click on Print Confirmation to print the Sales Order Confirmation.

Example of Sales Order Confirmation Document PDF:

Create Requisitions

On the Sales Order, click Insert Requisition.

Review and update the default information:

  • The Vendor is taken from the Item's Default Vendor.

  • The Order Date is today.

  • The Due Date is taken from the Requested Shipment Date on the Sale Order.

Click Create Orders to create a Drop Shipment Purchase Order.

To see the related Drop Shipment Purchase Order, click on Purchase Order No.

Create a Warehouse Receipt

Select Create Receipt from the Purchase Order to indicate that the goods are shipped to the Customer’s warehouse.

Click Enter Receiving Lots button to enter Lot Numbers for any Lot Tracked items or click on the red Enter Lot button to enter Lot Numbers for individual items.

Post the Warehouse Receipt.

  • This process will automatically create the Warehouse Shipment for the Sales Order and post the Warehouse Shipment since it is a Drop Shipment.

  • There will not be any inbound or outbound item ledger entries created.

  • There is no need to post a putaway or a pick.

Create a Sales Invoice

Create a Sales Invoice from the posted Whse. Shipment or Sales Order. Click on Create Invoice.

After reviewing the invoice, click on Post to post the Sales Invoice

Create and Post a Purchase Invoice

Create a Purchase Invoice from the Whse. Receipt or Purchase Order. Click on Create Invoice.

After reviewing the invoice, click on Post to post the Purchase Invoice.

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