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Print Receipt Labels

On the Warehouse Receipt, click Print Receipt Labels.

GoldFinch will print one label per item for non-lot-tracked items, or one label per lot for lot-tracked items. The default label size is 4x6 inches.


Fields Printed for Non-Lot-Tracked Items:

  • Item Description

  • Item No. with barcode

  • Total Quantity Received

  • Shipping Agent (from the Warehouse Receipt)

  • Vendor (from the Warehouse Receipt)

  • Manufacturer (from the item master)


Fields Printed for Lot-Tracked Items:

  • Item Description

  • Item No. with barcode

  • Total Quantity Received

  • Lot No. with barcode

  • Manufactured Date of the lot

  • Received Date of the lot

  • Expiration Date of the lot

  • Shipping Agent (from the Warehouse Receipt)

  • Vendor (from the Warehouse Receipt)

  • Manufacturer (from the item master)


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