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Preparing for Implementation

Whether you're implementing GoldFinch on your own or with the help of a GoldFinch Implementer, there are several key steps you can take to ensure a smooth and successful implementation.

1. Assign a Dedicated Project Lead

  • The Project Lead will work closely with the GoldFinch Implementer or internal staff to coordinate all project activities.

  • This person should have a deep understanding of your business and will take an active, hands-on role throughout the implementation.

  • The Project Lead will also be responsible for coordinating the activities of other team members, ensuring that the project remains on track.

  • For smaller companies with less complex implementations, the Project Lead may also serve as the Super User.

2. Consider a Steering Committee or Executive Sponsor

  • Depending on the size of your company and the complexity of the implementation, you may want to establish a Steering Committee or assign an Executive Sponsor.

  • Typically, this involves key finance, IT, or other executives who guide the project and help resolve critical issues and roadblocks.

  • The Steering Committee or Executive Sponsor also serves as a champion for the project, helping to rally the organization and prepare users for the upcoming changes.

3. Appoint Super Users

  • Super Users will play a vital role in the implementation, assisting with system testing, training, and documentation.

  • These individuals may also take on roles in change management and communication, helping to drive adoption and facilitate a smooth transition.

  • In addition to the Project Lead, having at least one Super User will ensure broader coverage across various departments.

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