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Post Inventory Adjustments by Reason

If you want to post inventory adjustments to different GL Accounts based on the Reason, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add a Formula Field:

    • Create a formula field in the GL Entry table that retrieves the Reason value from the Item Journal Line. This will help identify the reason behind each inventory adjustment.

  2. Run a Report:

    • Generate a report to group the Inventory Adjustment GL Entries by their respective reasons. This report will provide an overview of adjustments made for different reasons.

  3. Post a Manual General Journal:

    • After reviewing the report, post a manual General Journal entry to reclassify the inventory adjustment amounts to the appropriate GL accounts based on the Reason.

By following this process, you ensure that inventory adjustments are accurately classified in your accounting records, reflecting the proper GL accounts for each type of adjustment.

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