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Plan by Purchasing Agents

For companies with many SKUs, it’s recommended to turn on the Plan by Purchasing Agent feature.

Plan by Purchasing Agent Field

  1. Check the Plan by Purchasing Agent field on the Demand Planning Setup.

  2. Populate the Purchasing Agent on SKUs.

  3. Enter the default Purchasing Agent on the User Setup record.

    1. You can link a User Setup record with a Salesforce user.

    2. If a Salesforce user is deactivated, you can link the Purchasing Agent with a different Salesforce user without updating SKUs.

  4. When calculating the supply plan, the Purchasing Agent is automatically populated on the request window. You can change the Purchasing Agent before you run the function.

    1. If the Plan by Purchasing Agent field is turned on, you can further filter SKUs by Preferred Vendor. Leaving this field blank will include all preferred vendors.

    2. Fill in the Item Category only if you want to troubleshoot the Supply Planning for a category only. You must leave this field blank to calculate an accurate supply plan based on the total demand and supply quantities for the Purchasing Agent.

  5. The Supply Plan will delete the existing Supply Plan lines and Calculation Lines for the defined Purchasing Agent only. Supply Plan Lines and Calculation Lines for other Purchasing Agents will stay. You can create multiple List Views by Purchasing Agent on both Supply Plan and Calculation Lines to accommodate multiple Purchasing Agent planning. 

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