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Mass Buttons on the Sales Order List

Button Name

Button Description

Suggested Views to Work With

Mass Allocate

For all selected orders, GoldFinch will: uncheck the Do Not Allocate field, update allocations for sales lines, and delete allocations for Return Orders or Closed Orders, if any exist.

Ready to Allocate: Orders where the Document Status is Open or Back Order and the Allocation Status is not Full.

Mass Deallocate

Deletes allocations for the selected orders.

Open or Back Order: Filtered by Document Status.

Mass Print Confirmation

Prints Confirmation documents for all selected orders.

Open: Filtered by Document Status.

Mass Create Shipments

Creates shipments for all selected orders.

Create Shipments with Partial Allocation: Orders with Open or Back Order status and Partial allocation.
Create Shipments with Full Allocation: Orders with Open or Back Order status and Full allocation.

Mass Close

Closes all selected sales orders where invoices have been posted for any posted shipments. Be sure to Deallocate these orders before closing.

Open or Back Order: Filtered by Document Status.

Mass Delete

Deletes all selected sales orders where a shipment has not been created or posted.

Open: Filtered by Document Status.

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