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Manage Wave Picks

You must enable the Whse. Pick functionality in the Warehouse for the Wave Pick function to work properly.

The Wave Pick function in GoldFinch will help to organize the daily workflow of the warehouse by providing one wave pick document that will encompass items from multiple orders that are ready to be picked.

Create a Wave Pick

From the Sales Order list, select the orders you would like to add to the wave pick, then click Create Wave Pick. Only allocated items on the sales order will be added to the Wave Pick.

The following information will be checked on all orders that have been selected:

  • All Orders selected must have the same Warehouse code.

  • All Orders selected must be regular Sales Orders (not return orders).  

  • All Orders selected must have at least one item allocated to the order.

A confirmation page will show the items that will be added to the Wave Pick document.  

All items that have been allocated on the sales orders will be grouped by Item No. and Unit of Measure showing the total quantity to be picked.

Click the Create Wave Pick button.

When this function is performed, the following documents will be created:

  • A Wave Pick Ticket will be created that will include all items to be picked from the picking bin to the Cross Dock bin.

  • A Pick Ticket will be created for each Sales Order picking the items from the Cross Dock bin to the Ship bin.

  • A Warehouse Shipment will be created for each Sales Order shipping from the Ship bin.

The Wave Pick Ticket will be identified with a check in the Wave Pick field.  The Sales Orders that are part of a Wave Pick Ticket will have the Linked to Wave Pick field populated.

Print the Wave Pick

The Wave Pick document will print all items and quantities that need to be picked from the warehouse bins and transferred to the Cross Dock bin.




Post the Wave Pick

Once all items have been picked from the Warehouse bin, post the Wave Pick Ticket. 


Posting the Wave Pick Ticket will move the inventory items from the Warehouse bin to the Cross Dock bin.  

Post the Sales Order Pick Tickets

A pick ticket has been created for each sales order on the Wave Pick Ticket. Once the items for the sales order have been picked from the Cross Dock bin, post the pick ticket.

Posting the Pick Ticket will move the inventory items from the Cross Dock bin to the Ship bin.

Post the Warehouse Shipment

A Warehouse Shipment has been created for each sales order on the Wave Pick Ticket. When the sales order is ready to be shipped, post the warehouse shipment as normal.

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