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Manage Matching Rules

During Bank Transaction Processing, GoldFinch first tries to match the downloaded bank transactions with Bank GL Ledger Entries, before it tries to suggest the add action.

To define the matching criteria, navigate to Company Setup, then click the “Default” record of Company Extended Setup.

Enable Global Automated Match: If checked, the matching routine will match and clear the Bank GL Ledger Entries right away, once it finds one matching Bank Transaction.

Deposits Default Matching Days (+/-): For each Deposit (Amount > 0) Batch Transaction, the matching routine will try to match it with uncleared Bank GL Ledge Entries from the same Bank Account, if:

  • The amount on the Bank Transaction is the same as the amount on the Bank GL Ledger Entry.

  • The Date on the Bank Transaction is + or - of Deposits Default Matching Days of the Posting Date of Bank GL Ledger Entries.

Payments Default Matching Days (+/-): For each Payment (Amount < 0) Batch Transaction, the matching routine will try to match it with uncleared Bank GL Ledge Entries from the same Bank Account, if

  • The amount on the Bank Transaction is the same as the amount on the Bank GL Ledger Entry.

  • The Date on the Bank Transaction is + or - of Payments Default Matching Days of the Posting Date of Bank GL Ledger Entries.

The matching routine can find one or more matches. If there is only one match found, and if Enable Global Automated Match is checked on the Company Extended Setup, GoldFinch will match and clear Bank GL Entry right away.

If there is more than one match, or if Enable Global Automated Match is not checked on the Company Extended Setup, users can go to Bank Transaction Processing to review and match Bank Transactions manually.

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