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Lot/Serial Tracing


Lot/Serial Tracing is used to locate the transactional history of a lot or a serial number.  This will aid you in defining the origin and usage of a lot/serial number. 

You have the ability to trace a lot/serial number in both directions; from the origin of a lot/serial to the usage for vendor product recalls and also from the usage of a lot/serial to the origin in the case of a defective item.

Create a New Lot/Serial Tracing

  1. Enter the Tracing Method.  You have the options of:

    1. Usage → Origin.  This will trace the lot/serial number starting from the outbound transaction (Whse Shipment, Consumption, Adjustments) and then tracing to the originating inbound transaction (Whse Receipt, Output, Adjustment)

    2. Origin → Usage.  This will trace the lot/serial number starting from the originating inbound transaction (Whse Receipt, Output, Adjustment) and then tracing to the outbound transaction (Whse Shipment, Consumption, Adjustments)

  2. Enter the Item No. to trace.

  3. If the Item is a lot-tracked item, enter a Lot No. to trace.

  4. If the Item is a serial-tracked item, enter a Serial No. to trace.

  5. Save the Lot/Serial Tracing

Perform the Tracing

Click the Trace button to begin the tracing process.

The Lot/Serial Tracing Lines will be populated with the transactional history of the Lot/Serial number.  The lines will show all Whse Shipments, Whse Receipts, Transfers, Adjustments, Consumption Entries, and Output Entries related to the Lot/Serial No.

Alternatively, you can click the View Details button to see details. Adjust the ViewDetailColumns fieldset to add or remove columns.

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