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Item Lines are not Populating on the Work Order

Why are the Item Lines not automatically populating on the Work Order?

After a Work Order is created for a finished good item, when the quantity is entered, the Item Formulas and Item Routings should automatically populate on the Item Lines.  If this does not occur, there are a couple of things that could cause this.

Certified Formula Version

The Formula Version associated with the Item Formulas has not been Certified

When you associate an Item Formula with a Formula Version, that Formula Version must have the Certification Status of certified. If any other option is selected, the Formula Version will be ignored.

Default Formula Version not within date range of Work Order

The Formula Version associated with the Item Formulas has the Starting Date and Ending Date range outside the Work Order.

When you associate an Item Formula with a Formula Version, that Formula Version's date range must be within the date of the Work Order.

Routing Version is not defined on the Work Order

If the Item Routings are associated with a Routing Version, the Routing Version must be defined on the Work Order.

If there is a default Item Routing that will be used on most or all Work Orders, the Item Routing can be defined as a default by putting a check in the Default field of the Routing Version.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.