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Item Journal Line-

Field Label

Field Level Help

Accounting Variable 1,2,3,4

Default from Item, or Item Journal.

Actual Speed

Manually entered for batch manufacturing output entry.

Actual Temperature

Manually entered for batch manufacturing output entry.

Applied-to ILE

The Item Ledger Entry to apply the New Unit Cost to. Used for Revaluation Journals.


The Bin that contains the Line Item(s).

Bin Content

The Bin Content record detailing the placement of the Item(s).

Calculated Qty.

Current Qty. on Hand. Used when processing a Cycle Count Journal.

Catch Weight

Indicates if the Item on the Journal Line is a Catch Weight Item.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Item Journal Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Cost Allocation %

Percentage of Total Cost allocated to the Item Journal Line.

Current Cost

Current Unit Cost x Quantity. Used for Revaluation Journals.

Current Unit Cost

The Current Unit Cost of the item. Used for Revaluation Journals.


Line Item Description. Defined on the Item record.

Document Status

The Document Status of the corresponding Item Journal.

Expected Qty.

The expected Output Quantity to post.  Must fall within the accepted tolerance %.

Expected Qty. Base

Expected Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

External Reference

Used for referencing external documents related to the Item Journal Line.

ILE Entry No.

The corresponding Item Ledger Entry No. for the Line Item. Used for Revaluation Journals.

Indirect Cost

Line Cost * Indirect Cost %

Indirect Cost %

Copied from Item’s Indirect Cost %.


The Item selected for the Journal Line.

Item Journal

The Item Journal number associated with the Journal Line.

Item Type

The Item Type of the Line Item.

Journal Type

The type of Item Journal being used. Possible values: Adjustment, Transfer, Production, Cycle Count, or Revaluation.

Line Cost

Quantity x Unit Cost

Line No.

Automatically assigned by GoldFinch. This field is incremented by one with each new Line.

Lot Qty. Entered

Lot Qty. that has been entered for the Journal Line.

Lot Qty. Not Entered

Lot Qty. that still needs to be entered for the Journal Line.

Lot Tracked

Specifies if the Item is Lot Tracked. Defined on the Item record. 

New Cost

New Unit Cost x Quantity. Used for Revaluation Journals.

New Unit Cost

The New Unit Cost of the Item. Used for Revaluation Journals.

Operation No.

The Operation No. defined on the corresponding Work Order's Work Line. Used for Production Journals.

Outside Service

Specifies that the Item is from an Outside Service to be used on a Work Order. Defined on the Item record.

Physical Qty.

The Physical Qty. counted. Used for Cycle Counts.

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


Line Item Quantity.

Quantity Per



The reason code for the Item Journal. Possible values: Count Error, Receipt Error, Breakages, or Scrap.

Scrap %

The Scrap % for the Line Item. Used for Production Journals.

Serial Qty. Entered

Total number of Serial Tracked Items for which a Serial Number has been selected.

Serial Qty. Not Entered

Quantity - Serial Qty. Entered, if Serial Tracked = True.

Serial Tracked

Indicates if the Line Item is Serial Tracked.

Specific Cost

Indicates that the Item will use the Unit Cost entered on the Routing Line.

To Unit of Measure

The resulting Unit of Measure of the Item after posting.

Transfer from Bin Content

The Bin Content record detailing the placement of the Item prior to transfer.

Unit Cost

The Unit cost of the Line Item. 

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure for the Line Item.

Use Lot Expire After Date

GoldFinch calculates this field by adding the Days to Expire as defined on the Item to the Posting Date of the Journal.  The Lot No. Expiration Date selected for the entry must be before this date.

Variance Qty.

Expected Qty – Quantity


The Warehouse where the Line Item is stored.

Work Center

Indicates that the Item is a Work Center Item. Defined on the Item record.

Work Line

The corresponding line on the Work Order associated with the Item Journal Line.

Work Order

The Work Order associated with the Item Journal Line.

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