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Item Journal

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Accounting Variable 1,2,3,4

Default from User Setup.


Indicates that consumption/output will be posted automatically when a Work Order is finished.

Batch Manufacturing

Indicates that the Journal is being used as part of a Batch Manufacturing process.

Batch No.

The manufacturing Batch No. associated with the Item Journal.

Batch Output Qty. Base

The Output Quantity of the Batch converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Batch Output Variance

Batch Output Qty. Base - Output Qty. Base

Batch Post Error

A message that describes the error that stopped this Item Journal from being posted in a batch.

Bin Content

The Bin Content record detailing the placement of the Output Item(s).

By-Product Output Qty. Base

The By-Product Output Quantity converted the Item's Base Unit of Measure.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Item Journal to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


Description of the Journal.

Disassembly Order

Indicates that the Item Journal is being used for disassembly.

Document Status

Defaults to Open.  Will change to Posted when the Item Journal is been posted.

From Bin

The Bin where the Journal Line Item is initially located.

GL Ledger

GL Ledger for the transaction. The default is blank.

Input Quantity

Used on the Production Journal. It is used to set the default Consumption Qty. of components and routings.

Item Routing

Used when Report Output by Routing is checked for the Output Item. It specifies the Item Routing that is associated with the Output Journal.

Journal Type

The type of Item Journal being used. Possible values: Adjustment, Transfer, Production, Cycle Count, or Revaluation.

Last Operation / Step

Used when Report Output by Routing is checked for the Output Item. It is checked if the Production Journal is the last step of the operation. Output will only be posted if the Last Step is checked.

Lot Qty. Base Entered

Total Lot Qty. entered converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Lot Qty. Base Not Entered

Total Lot Qty. not yet entered converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Lot Tracked

Indicates that the Output Item is lot tracked.

No. of Lines

The total number of lines in this Item Journal.

Output Cost

Output Quantity * Unit Cost.  Used for Production Journals. 

Output Item

The Item to be outputted upon posting. Used for Production Journals.

Output Item Description

The description of the Item being outputted. Defaults from the Item record.

Output Qty. Base

Output Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Output Quantity

Quantity of Items being outputted. Used in Production Journals.

Output Unit of Measure

Unit of Measure of the Output Item. Used in Production Journals.

Posting Date

Posting Date for the Item Journal.


The reason code for the Item Journal. Possible values: Count Error, Receipt Error, Breakages, or Scrap.  The values can be changed.

Report Output by Routing

If checked, an Output Journal is created for each Routing Steps, instead of for the Work Order. It is copied from the setup of the Output Item.

Routing Description

Used when Report Output by Routing is checked for the Output Item. It is copied from the associated Work Line.

Routing Operation No.

Used when Report Output by Routing is checked for the Output Item. It is copied from the associated Work Line.

To Bin

The Warehouse Bin that the Journal Line Item will be placed in.

To Warehouse

The Warehouse that the Journal Line Item will be stored at.

Total Capacity Cost

Sum of Line Cost for all Item Journal Lines where Item Type is Service.

Total Cost Allocation %

Sum of Cost Allocation % for all Item Journal Lines.

Total Indirect Cost

The calculated total of all indirect costs from the Item Journal Lines.

Total Line Cost

Sum of Line Cost for all Item Journal Lines.

Total Material Cost

Sum of Line Cost for all Item Journal Lines where Item Type is Inventory.

Total Variance

Total Line Cost - Output Cost when an Output Item is a Standard Cost item.

Transfer-from Bin

The Warehouse Bin to transfer the Item from when using a Transfer Item Journal.

Transfer-from Warehouse

The Warehouse to transfer the Item from when using a Transfer Item Journal.

Unit Cost

Unit Cost of the Output Item.

Whse Receipt

The Whse. Receipt associated with the Disassembly Item Journal.

Whse Receipt Line

The corresponding Whse. Receipt Line for the Item on the Disassembly Item Journal.

Work Line

Used when Report Output by Routing is checked for the Output Item. It specifies the Work Line that is associated with the Output Journal.

Work Order

The Work Order associated with the Production Journal.

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