Item Availability Status Report
The Item Availability Status report in GoldFinch provides a detailed view of an item’s supply, demand, and availability, categorized by Item and Unit of Measure (UOM). This report helps in tracking inventory levels and understanding item availability, taking into account sales orders, purchase orders, work orders, and forecasts. You can also export this report to Excel for further filtering and analysis.
Running the Report
You can generate the report from the Item List page and drill down into report values to see detailed transactional entries. Additionally, the report offers an Export to Excel option, allowing you to filter by any columns as needed.
Filter Options
Filter Name | Explanation |
Item No. | Filter the report by specific item numbers. You can exclude certain UOMs from the report by checking the Do Not Plan checkbox on the Item Unit of Measure table. |
Item Category | Filter by selecting one or more item categories. |
Warehouse | Filter by specific warehouse locations. |
Plan End Date | Transactions on or before this date will be included in the report. |
Field Descriptions
Field Name | Explanation |
On Hand (A) | Shows the current quantity available in inventory. |
On Hold (B) | Displays the quantity on hand in bins marked with Do Not Allocate. |
Allocated (C) | Total quantity allocated on sales orders and transfer orders. |
On SO (D) | Outstanding quantity from sales orders, organized by shipment date. |
Forecast (E) | Quantity from an active sales forecast. |
Fcst Used (F) | Ensures forecasted quantities aren’t double-counted. It compares forecasted quantities with total sales order quantities and uses the lower of the two for availability calculations. More details in Forecast Consumption. |
WO Line (G) | Quantity from the component lines of open work orders, organized by due date. |
In Transit (H) | Shows pending receipt quantities from transfer orders. |
WR (I) | Pending receipt quantities from warehouse receipts with Open document status. |
On PO | Outstanding quantity from purchase orders, based on the expected receipt date. |
On WO | Quantity from open work orders, organized by their ending date. |
Reorder Qty. | Reorder quantity as specified on the item’s Unit of Measure. |
Safety Stock | Safety stock level as specified on the item’s Unit of Measure. |
Next Receipt | The next expected receipt date for the item, based on the purchase order. |
Sales/Weekly or Sales/Monthly | Weekly or monthly sales quantities, calculated based on the number of weeks or months. |
Additional Information
The Item Availability Status report tracks availability by both Item and Unit of Measure (UOM), allowing you to assess inventory at a granular level.
To avoid over-counting forecasted quantities, GoldFinch compares forecast quantities with sales orders and adjusts them based on the lower value (as described in the Fcst Used field).
The Reorder Qty. and Safety Stock fields are taken from the Item Unit of Measure and are used as default parameters for demand planning within Stockkeeping Units (SKUs).
If you need to display more than 10 records on the inquiry page, update the No. of Records to Display on Pages setting in Company Setup.
This report provides critical data for inventory management and helps ensure that inventory levels are aligned with demand, forecast, and reorder needs.