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Item Availability Status

The "Item Availability Status" page shows the supply, demand, and item availability by Item and UOM

Run the report from the Item List. 

Drill down on the report values to see detailed entries.

You can click on the Export to Excel button to filter by any columns.

Filter Name


Item No.

Filter by the Item No. It is possible to exclude certain Item Units of Measure from the report by checking the "Do Not Plan" checkbox on the Item Unit of Measure table.

Item Category

Choose between multiple Item Categories.


Filter by specific Warehouse.

Plan End Date

Only transactions on or before the Plan End Date will be included.

Field Name


On Hand(A)

Shows the current quantity on hand.  

On Hold(B)

Shows the On Hand quantity in bins that are marked with "Do Not Allocate."


Total Qty. Allocated on Sales Orders and Transfer Orders

On SO(D)

Shows the outstanding quantity from Sales Orders by the Shipment Date.


Shows the quantity from an active Sales Forecast.

Fcst Used(F)

In order to not double count the forecasted qty in the report total, GoldFinch will examine the quantity forecasted along with the total quantity from sales orders (not just outstanding quantity). If both of these have a value, the "Qty. on Forecast Consumption" will show the lower value of the two. This will then be added into the calculation to generate the Qty. Available. Read Forecast Consumptions to learn more.

WO Line(G)

Shows the quantity on the component lines from open Work Orders by the Due Date.

In Transit(H)

Shows the pending Receipts Qty. from Transfer Orders.


Shows the pending Receipts Qty. from Whse Receipts that have Document Status = Open.


Shows the outstanding quantity from Purchase Orders by the Expected Receipt Date. 


Shows the quantity from open Work Orders by the Ending Date.

Reorder Qty.

Data is from Item Unit of Measure.

Safety Stock

Data is from Item Unit of Measure.

Next Receipt

The next Expected Receipt Date for the item (from the purchase line).

Sales/Weekly or Sales/Monthly

Weekly or Monthly sales quantity taking the number of weeks or months into consideration.

To display more than 10 records on the inquiry page, update No. of Records to Display on Pages on the Company Setup.


Item Availability Status report is run by Item and UOM.

There are various planning parameter fields such as Reorder Qty. and Safety Stock on the Item page. These numbers are by Base Unit of Measure only and cannot be used on Item Availability Status report.

They will be used as default planning parameters for SKU (Stockkeeping Units) for Demand Planning.

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