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Item Availability by Item by UOM Report


The Item Availability by Item by UOM report in GoldFinch provides insights into the supply, demand, and item availability, broken down by units of measure (UOM). You can view this data organized by week or by month. This report helps you manage inventory at the UOM level, offering detailed visibility into stock levels across different periods.

Running the Report

You can generate the report from two locations:

  • Item List: Access the report directly from the item list.

  • Administration Menu: Navigate to Inventory under the Administration menu to run the report.

Once generated, you can drill down into specific values for more detailed transactional entries.

Filter Options

Filter Name


Inventory Period Type

Select whether to display data By Week or By Month. The default comes from the Demand Planning Setup screen.

Item No.

Filter by specific item numbers. You can exclude certain UOMs from the report by checking the Do Not Plan checkbox in the Item Unit of Measure table.

Item Category

Select multiple categories to filter the report.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Qty on Hand

Shows the current quantity on hand.

(+) Qty on Purchase Orders

Displays the outstanding quantity from purchase orders, distributed across dates based on expected receipt dates on the purchase lines.

(+) Qty on Work Orders

Reflects the quantity from open work orders, assigned to dates based on work order end dates.

(-) Qty Forecasted

Quantity from an active Sales Forecast, assigned to date buckets based on forecast dates.

(-) Qty on Sales Orders

Displays the outstanding quantity from sales orders, distributed according to shipment dates.

(+) Qty on Forecast Consumption

Adjusts the forecasted quantity to avoid double-counting with sales orders. The lower of the forecast or sales order quantities is used in the final calculations.

(-) Qty on Component Work Lines

Represents the quantity from component lines in open work orders, distributed by due dates on the work order lines.

Qty Available

The total quantity available after all additions and subtractions are applied to the on-hand quantity for the selected time frame.

Additional Information

  • The Item Availability by Item by UOM report provides visibility into stock levels, supply, and demand while considering different units of measure.

  • The report helps you manage inventory more effectively by offering a breakdown by week or month, and by allowing you to filter specific items, categories, and exclude UOMs marked as Do Not Plan.

  • Understanding forecast consumption is key to interpreting availability. GoldFinch will compare the quantity forecasted against sales orders and ensure that the lower of the two is factored into availability to avoid over-counting. For more details, refer to the documentation on Forecast Consumption.

This report enables businesses to better align inventory levels with demand, improve stock accuracy, and efficiently manage different units of measure across all planning periods.

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