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Field Label

Field Level Help


Accounting Variable 1, 2, 3, 4

Default accounting variable for the item.


Average Base Cost

The calculated average cost for the Base Unit of Measure of the item. (Inventory Value / Qty. Based on Hand)


Base Unit of Measure

The Base Unit of Measure for the item's inventory, such as EA, or LB.


Base UOM Record Id

Used to define the record Id from the Item Unit of Measure object for the Base Unit of Measure of the item.  


Batch Consumption Tolerance %

When consuming this item on a batch manufactured work order, enter the tolerance % permitted.


Batch Manufacturing

If checked, the Item is a batch manufactured item.


Batch Output Tolerance %

When producing this item, enter the tolerance % to be used on a batch manufactured work order.



Checking this field will not allow any inventory transactions to be posted for this item. An Item cannot be blocked unless there is 0 on hand qty. and 0 open transactions.

Item Detail


The brand of the Item. Lookup to the Brand table.

Item Detail

Catch Weight

If checked, the item is a catch weight item.

Catch Weight

Catch Weight Tolerance %

If this is a Catch Weight item, enter the tolerance % allowed between the Quantity and the Qty. Base of a Catch Weight item.

Catch Weight


If checked, the item is a chargeback service item. 

Item Detail

Configurator1, Configurator2,....

If Use Configurator is checked, the values of these fields are used to construct Item No.

Item Detail

Costing Method

The costing method of the Item with two possible options: Standard or FIFO.


Country of Origin

The Country where the item is purchased or manufactured.

Item Detail

Daily Capacity

Hours Per Day multiplied by No of Capacity.


Default Batch Size

The conversion factor of the Default Batch Unit of Measure.


Default Batch Unit of Measure

The default Batch Unit of Measure for the batch manufactured item.


Default Bin

Define the bin to be used along with the Default Warehouse as the put-away and storage location of the item.    


Default Shelf

The default Shelf of the item. This is a text field to be printed on the Pack List document.  In certain environments, it is more efficient to use a text field to specify where the item is, instead of setting up a full bin management system.


Default Warehouse

The default warehouse of the item.



Use this field for the description of the item.

Item Detail

Disassemble When Receive

If checked, as soon as the item is received on a Whse. Receipts, a dissemble Item Journal will be created and posted to consume the item and output components to inventory. 



If checked, the item will not be allowed to be entered to Sales Odrer and Purchase Order.



Do Not Check Output Qty

If checked, and if Report by Routing Step is checked on the Output Item, GoldFinch will allow over or under production for the routing step.


Do Not Check Qty. When Post

If checked, Qty Base on Hand, Qty. Base on Bin Content and Remaining Qty. Base on Hand of the item will not be compared for consistency during the inventory posting routine. This field normally should not be checked.  The system administrator should be notified if you have to check the field to post. 


Expected Value

The total calculated inventory value of the 'received not invoiced' and ''shipped not invoiced' amounts based on the Item Ledger Entries.


Flushing Method

If Flushing Method = Manual, both output and consumption are posted together on production journals. If Flushing Method = Backward, multiple outputs can be posted using the Daily Production screen, and all of the expected consumption can be posted based on the total output quantity before the work order is finished. 


Freight Class

This will print on the Bill of Lading.


GL Ledger

The default is blank. Enter a value only if you want to track multiple ledgers in GoldFinch. There can only be one GL Ledger used on a sales, purchase, or inventory transaction.


Handling Unit Type

This will print on the Bill of Lading.



This will print on the Bill of Lading.


HazMat Class

This will print on the Bill of Lading.


Hours Per Day

Amount of hours per day Work Center is available to operate.


HS Tariff Classification No.

This will print on the Certificate of Origin document.


Import Item

Checked automatically if the item is created by using the Import Item table.

Item Detail

Indirect Cost %

If entered for a Work Center item, Indirect Capacity Cost will be calculated for the Work Center on the Production Journal


Inventory Class

The Inventory Class of the Item with three possible values: Raw Materials, Subassembly or Finished Goods. This field will define what GL Account is used from the Company Setup when transactions are posted. 

Item Detail

Inventory Value

The calculated inventory value of the item based on the Item Ledger Entries. This will be the total of the Expected Value plus the Invoiced Value.


Invoiced Value

The total calculated invoiced value of the item based on the Item Ledger Entries.


Is Allergen

If checked, this item is an allergen. The field is printed on the Receipt Label report.


Is Water

If checked, this item is a water item. The net requirement of the water item for a work order, is the total gross requirement for the water, less the water quantity already exists for the components that have the active Ingredient % defined on the item formula.


Item Category

Use this field to classify items for filtering and reporting. This field is the top level grouping for items.

Item Detail

Item Image

An image of the item can be uploaded here.  

Item Detail

Item No.-Description

A combination of the Item No. and Description.

Item Detail

Item Posting Group

Enter a value to control the GL posting for the Item. You can choose to set up the Accounting Posting Setup by Item Posting Group instead of by Item.

Item Detail

Item Type

The type of item with two possible values: Inventory or Service. Inventory transaction will be maintained for Inventory items, but not for Service type items. Users are not allowed to update this picklist on Item, Sales Lines, and Purchase Line objects.

Item Detail

Landed Cost % 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Estimated Landed Cost % that can be used to calculate landed cost at receiving and add to the total inventory valuation.


Last Invoiced Base Cost

The last base cost the item was invoiced at or produced at.


Last Rollup Date

The last date the Rollup Std. Cost function was run for the item.


Lead Time Days

Enter the default lead time days for the item when purchased from the Preferred Vendor of the item. Default for SKUs to be used on Supply Planning.


Long Description

Optional field. It can be used with the integration with an E-Commerce platform.

Item Detail

Lot Days to Expire

The default number of days a newly entered lot will expire.

Item Detail

Lot Picking Option

Define the preferred method of picking lots: FIFO (first in first out), FEFO (first expiration first out), or Bin Ranking.

Item Detail

Lot Tracked

If checked, a Lot number is mandatory for all inventory transactions.

Item Detail

Low Level Code

This is the calculated hierarchical level of the item based on Item Formulas.  The lower the number, the higher the hierarchical order. Click Item Calculate Low Level to learn more.



Select the manufacturer of the item from the lookup to the Account object.


Maximum Quantity

The default maximum quantity of the item for reporting purposes. This value is not currently used in the supply planning calculation.


Min. Days to Expire When Pick

The minimum number of days acceptable to pick an item before the lot will expire.

Item Detail

Net Cost

This will print on the Certificate of Origin document.



This number will print on the Bill of Lading.


No. of Capacity

Number of machines or work areas available at this Work Center.



If checked, these items will not be available when searching on Sales Quote, Sales Order, Sales Invoice, and Transfer Order.

Old Item No.

The Item number from the legacy system.

Item Detail

Outbound Freight

If checked, this service item is used for outbound freight.  Click on Assign Outbound Freight to learn more.

Item Detail

Outside Service

If checked, this service item is used as an outside service item.  Click on  Process Outside Services to learn more.

Item Detail

Package Type

This will print on the Bill of Lading.


Preference Criterion

This will print on the Certificate of Origin document.


Preferred Vendor

The preferred Vendor for the item. Default for SKUs to be used on Supply Planning.



This will print on the Certificate of Origin document.


Product Family

Used for classifying items for filtering and reporting.  This field should be the second level grouping for items.  

Item Detail

Product Group

Used for classifying items for filtering and reporting.  This field should be the third level grouping for items and it is the subset for Product Family.

Item Detail

Purchase Description

It will be used on Purchase Order if it is not blank.

Item Detail

Purchase Unit of Measure

Enter the default Unit of Measure to be used on purchase orders.


Purchasing Agent

The default Purchasing Agent for the item if applicable.

Item Detail

Purchasing Type

The default Purchasing Type for the Item. It is populated on the Sales Line.

Item Detail

QC Required

Checking this field will require quality control tests to be performed when receiving or producing the item.


Qty. Allocated Base

Total Qty. allocated in the Base Unit of Measure for the item


Qty. Available Base

Total Qty. on Hand Base = Qty. Allocated Base


Qty. Base on Bin Content

The base quantity of the item calculated from all bin content records.

Item Detail

Qty. Base on Hand

The base quantity on hand of the item calculated from all item ledger entry records.

Item Detail

Qty. Per Pallet

Used on the Daily Production page for the output reporting.


Remaining Qty. Base on Hand

The remaining base quantity on hand of the item calculated from all open item ledger entries.

Item Detail

Rental Item

Check this field to enable the Rental Management functionality for this item.

Item Detail

Reorder Cycle Days

The Reorder Cycle Days determines the fixed regular interval to order the item. Default for SKUs to be used on Supply Planning.


Reorder Policy

Used to determine the most efficient method to order inventory.  The default option is Fixed Reorder Qty. Default for SKUs to be used on Supply Planning.


Reorder Quantity

Enter the default economic order quantity for the item. Default for SKUs to be used on Supply Planning.


Replenishment System

Enter the default method to replenish the inventory for the item with two possible options: Purchase or Work Order.  if the item can be both purchased and manufactured, enter Work Order. Default for SKUs to be used on Supply Planning.


Report Output by Routing

If checked, an Output Journal is created for each Routing Steps, instead of for the Work Order.


Safety Stock

The default level of extra inventory that is maintained to mitigate the risk of stockouts. Default for SKUs to be used on Supply Planning.


Sales Unit of Measure

Enter the default Unit of Measure to be used on sales orders.


Serial No. Series

The numbering series to be used for the serial numbers created for the item.

Catch Weight

Serial Tracked

If checked, this item requires serial number for all inventory transactions.

Catch Weight

SF Product

SF Product that is linked to the item. SF Product will be automatically created if SalesCloud integration is enabled.

Item Detail

Short Description

Optional field. It can be used with the integration with an E-Commerce platform.

Item Detail

Single Batch Printing

If checked, the Batch Report on Work Order will print this item batch by batch.

Item Detail

Standard Base Cost

The Standard Base Cost for the item.


Standard Base Price

The Standard Base Price for the item.


Standard Capacity Base Cost

The Standard Capacity Base Cost for the item.


Standard Material Base Cost

The Standard Material Base Cost for the item.


Standard Profit

The calculated standard profit of the item.  (Standard Base Price - Standard Base Cost)


Standard Profit %

The calculated standard profit % of the item.  (Standard Profit / Standard Base Price)


PO Qty. Tolerance %

For Purchase Inventory Item, % allowed for over receipt. For Purchase Service Item, % allowed for over invoice. For Work Order Item, % allowed for over production.


Tax Group

The Tax Group for the Item used to calculate Sales Tax.

Item Detail

Technical Sheet

Enter the default Technical Sheet for the Item.


Total Capacity

Sum of all Capacity created for this Work Center.


Total Remaining

Remaining Capacity after Usage is subtracted.


Total Usage

Sum of all Usage created for this Work Center.



This shoud be the GTIN for the Base Unit of Measure and it is used mainly for reporting. GTIN on the Item Unit of Measure is used for scanning.

Item Detail

Uploaded to Shopify 

If checked, the item has been uploaded to the Shopify website.

Item Detail

Uploaded to WooCommerce 

If checked, the item has been uploaded to the WooCommerce website.

Item Detail

Use Configurator

If checked, GoldFinch can use Configurator 1 to 10 construct Item No.

Item Detail

Weekdays Only

Used in supply planning.  If checked, the Order Date will fall on weekdays only. 


Work Center

If checked, this service item is used as a work center for the routing.

Item Detail

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