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Inventory Reports

Report Name


GF1000 Inventory Valuation As Of Now

Inventory count, unit cost and value of all items as of today.

GF1001 Inventory by Bin by Lot As Of Now

Inventory count, by bin / by lot / by warehouse as of today.

GF1002 Inventory by Lot by Bin As Of Now

Inventory count, by lot / by bin / by warehouse as of today.

GF1003 Inventory to GL Recon As Of Date

Inventory subledger to GL comparision with Expected Costs and Invoiced Costs as of historical date.

GF1004 Inventory By UOM As Of Date

Items by unit of measures as of today.

GF1005 Items with Item Ledger Entry

Items with related item ledger entries.

GF1006 Items with Sales Order Allocations

Items with related sales order allocations.

GF1007 Item Lots with Item Ledger Entry

Item Lots with related item ledger entries.

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