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Inventory Cost for Transfer Journals and Transfer Orders

When posting transfer transactions, GoldFinch will automatically calculate and update the Unit Cost of the transaction from the Inbound ILEs (Item Ledger Entries that are used for transfers). These Inbound ILEs could be from Purchase Orders, Work Orders, or Item Adjustments.

If the Unit Cost for the “Inbound ILEs” is updated later, the Daily Adjust Cost Routine, which is scheduled to run at nighttime, will automatically calculate and update all outbound ILEs, such as transfer transactions, Sales Order Shipments, or Work Order Consumptions.

By default, you should not edit the Unit Cost directly on Transfer Journals and Transfer Orders (any transfer transactions). You must edit the Unit Cost of the Inbound ILE to change the Unit Cost of the transactions.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Use the Revaluation Journals to update Unit Costs of the Inbound ILEs.

  2. Run the Daily Adjust Cost Routine manually to update the Unit Cost of the transfer transactions.

Keep in mind that you cannot fix Unit Cost directly for transfer transactions using Revaluation Journals. If the Unit Cost is not edited in the Inbound ILE level, the scheduled Daily Adjust Cost Routine will revert your change of Unit Cost in the transfer transaction.

If you want to add additional landed costs to the transfer transactions, follow the steps in Actual Landed Cost Assignment for FIFO Costing.

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