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Integration Processes


You can use QBO Integration to sync Accounts (Customers/Vendors), Items, Sales Invoices, and Purchase Invoices.


Account Sync from GoldFinch to QuickBooks Online

New and existing accounts can be sync'd with QuickBooks Online.

Only accounts that are defined in GoldFinch as "Is Vendor" or "Is Customer" will be sync'd.

To sync accounts manually on the account record page, click "Sync to QuickBooks"

Wait a few seconds, then refresh the web page - the QuickBooks sync fields (see images below) will show you if the sync was successful.

Account Sync Fields:

Field Name (GoldFinch)

Field Name (QuickBooks Online)


Account Name


Billing Address

Billing Street

Billing City

Billing State Code

Billing Postal Code

Billing Country



Is Customer

Indicates Customer Account in GoldFinch

Is Vendor

Indicates Vendor Account in GoldFinch

Customer No.

GoldFinch Customer No.

Vendor No.

GoldFinch Vendor No.

QuickBooks Vendor ID

Vendor Id

Unique QuickBooks Online record identifier - Important!  This is the key field that links the record between QuickBooks Online and GoldFinch

QuickBooks Customer ID

Customer Id

Unique QuickBooks Online record identifier - Important! This is the key field that links the record between QuickBooks Online and GoldFinch

Customer Sync’d

True when customer sync is successful

Vendor Sync'd

True when vendor sync is successful

Customer Sync’d Date/Time

Last date/time when customer record was synchronized

Vendor Sync’d Date/Time

Last date/time when vendor record was synchronized

Customer Sync Token

Sync Token

Required for QuickBooks Online Integration - tracks most recent changes to QuickBooks Online record

Vendor Sync Token

Sync Token

Required for QuickBooks Online Integration - tracks most recent changes to QuickBooks Online record

Customer Sync Error

In the event of sync error, captures error message and error code

Vendor Sync Error

In the event of sync error, captures error message and error code

Pending QuickBooks Sync

Indicates the record is ready to be synced for the job scheduler

Accounts List

QuickBooks Online Sync fields can be strategically placed in the accounts list view.

Accounts that are both Customers and Vendors

  • QuickBooks Online does not allow a customer and vendor to have the same name.  If there is an account in GoldFinch that can serve as both a customer and a vendor, enable both "Is Customer" and "Is Vendor" on the same account.  When the account is synced to QuickBooks Online, there will be a period added to the end of the QuickBooks Online customer's name.

This message will appear in QuickBooks Online if you try to enter two accounts with the same name:  Another customer, vendor or employee is already using this name.  Please use a different name.

Example of synced records, making the names unique.

GoldFinch account = Moose Lodge
QuickBooks Online customer = Moose Lodge.
QuickBooks Online vendor = Moose Lodge


Sales Invoices Sync from GoldFinch to QuickBooks Online

Posted sales invoices and credit memos can be sync'd with QuickBooks Online sales invoices and credit memos.

Before syncing, the account, generic "Z" service items, and payment terms must be sync'd.

To sync manually, on the Sales Invoice record page click "Sync to QuickBooks" - you will be asked to confirm the sync. 

Wait a few seconds, then refresh the web page - the QuickBooks sync fields (see images below) will show you if the sync was successful.


QuickBooks Online:

Sales Invoices Sync Fields:

Field Name (GoldFinch)

Field Name (QuickBooks Online)


Sales Invoice No.

Invoice No.

Bill-to Customer


Billing Address

Billing Address

Payment Terms


Invoice Date

Invoice Date

Due Date

Due Date

Line No.




GoldFinch "Inventory" type items will be automatically assigned to the QuickBooks Online "Z-Inventory" service item.  GoldFinch "Service" type items are matched with QuickBooks Online service items.



(Item No.) Description

Discount %

GoldFinch Only - QuickBooks Online line rates will be adjusted to reflect line discounts entered in GoldFinch


GoldFinch Only - QuickBooks Online line rates will be adjusted to reflect line discounts entered in GoldFinch



Unit Price


Invoice Amount


QuickBooks Id


Unique QuickBooks Online record identifier


True when synced is successful

Sync’d Date/Time

Last date/time when record was synchronized

Sync Token

Sync Token

Required for QuickBooks Online Integration

Sync Error

In the event of sync error, captures error message and error code

Sales Invoice List

QuickBooks Online Sync fields can be strategically placed in the Sales Invoices list view.


Purchase Invoices Sync from GoldFinch to QuickBooks Online

Posted purchase invoices and credit memos can be sync'd with QuickBooks bills and vendor credits.

  • GoldFinch Purchase Invoice = QuickBooks Bill

  • GoldFinch Purchase Credit Memo = QuickBooks Vendor Credit

Before syncing, the account, generic "Z" service items, and payment terms must be sync'd.

To sync manually, on the Purchase Invoice record page click "Sync to QuickBooks" - you will be asked to confirm the sync. 

Wait a few seconds, then refresh the web page - the QuickBooks Online sync fields (see images below) will show you if the sync was successful.


QuickBooks Online:

Purchase Invoices Sync Fields:

Field Name (GoldFinch)

Field Name (QuickBooks Online)


Vendor Invoice No.

Bill No.

Pay-to Vendor


Billing Address

Mailing Address

Payment Terms


Invoice Date

Bill Date

Due Date

Due Date



GoldFinch Purchase Invoice No.

Line No.


Item Details section in QuickBooks Online



GoldFinch "Inventory" type items will be automatically assigned to the QuickBooks Online "Inventory" service item.  GoldFinch "Service" type items are matched with QuickBooks Online service items.



(Item No.) Description



Unit Cost


Line Cost


QuickBooks Id


Unique QuickBooks Online record identifier


True when synced is successful

Sync’d Date/Time

Last date/time when record was synchronized

Sync Token

Sync Token

Required for QuickBooks Online Integration

Sync Error

In the event of sync error, captures error message and error code

GoldFinch Vendor Invoice numbers and purchase Invoice numbers will be visible in QuickBooks Online.

Purchase Invoice List

QuickBooks Online Sync fields can be strategically placed in the Purchase Invoices list view.

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