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Initialize GoldFinch ERP in a Development Instance

When GoldFinch ERP is installed, a post-installation script will be run to set up GoldFinch for you to enter transactions.

If you create a new development sandbox, GoldFinch ERP will be copied to the sandbox without data.

You can run the post-installation script in the Development Console by executing this script:


Click on the Setup icon and go to Developer Console.


Click on Debug and go to Open Execute Anonymous Window.


Copy and paste this post-installation script in:


Click Execute.


The setup tables are populated in the following order:

  • Bin Type

  • Bin

  • Warehouse

  • Currency

  • Payment Term

  • Tax Area

  • Salesperson

  • GL Account

  • Unit of Measure

  • Company Setup

  • Extended Company Setup

  • Account Posting Group

  • Numbering Series

  • Account

  • Alternate Shipping

  • Tax Jurisdiction

  • Tax Detail

  • Shipping Agent

  • Item

  • Item Unit of Measure

  • Formula Version

  • Item Formula

  • Item Routing

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