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Import Purchase Prices


This function is used to import Purchase Prices into GoldFinch using the Standard Salesforce Import Wizard.  

Import Purchase Prices Template

The Import Purchase Prices Template will be used to import Purchase Prices records. Sample data is available on the template for you to use as a guide.

Populate the template with the Purchase Prices data that will be imported into GoldFinch.

Import Purchase Price Template 072122.xlsx

On the template, populate the Unit of Measure field as follows:

  • Item Name + ;  + UOM Name

  • For example:

    • If Item Name = Demo-7001 and UOM Name = LB, populate the Unit of Measure field with Demo-7001;LB

Save the file as a CSV.

Import Using Salesforce Import Wizard

  • Open the App Launcher. Search for Purchase Prices.

  • Clicking the Import button on the Purchase Prices list will open the Import Data Wizard filtering on the Purchase Price object.

  • Click on the Purchase Prices object.

  • Click Add new records

  • This will open a window to allow you to enter the following information:

    • Account = Account Name

    • Currency Code = Currency Code Name

    • Item = Item Name

    • Item Unit of Measure = External ID (External ID)

  • Drag or upload the Import Purchase Prices template CSV file:

  • Click Next.

  • Review the Field Mapping.

  • Click Next

  • Click Start Import.

  • Salesforce will load the Bulk Data Load Jobs page, which will show the current status of all records that are being imported in separate batch jobs.

  • After the batch job has been completed, the results will show whether the records were created or failed.

  • Review the View Result CSV file if any records failed.

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