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Import Inventory Ending Balances


GoldFinch allows you to import inventory ending balances from a .csv file to allow the system to calculate and post adjustments between the ending balances and the existing inventory. This routine is useful when you require inventory updates to be done based on the manual Cycle Counts or the End-of-Month inventory balances from a 3PL.

Prepare Import Template

Before importing the Inventory Adjustments, there are some fields that will need to be set up beforehand in GoldFinch.  These are:

Populate the Import Inventory Template with your ending inventory balances to be imported. The mandatory fields required to create a record are highlighted in red.  Ending balances for multiple warehouses can be imported from a single file. There is sample data in the template for you to use as a guide.

Import Inventory Template 072222.xlsx

Save the file as a CSV.

Import Inventory Ending Balances

  1. Open the App Launcher.  Search for Import Inventory.

  2. Select the Import Inventory CSV button.

  3. Select Choose File then browse to select the file to be imported.

  4. Select Upload File

The function will bring the data into the Import Inventory object.  

Process Records

Once the information has been imported, you can view the data before it is processed and the Item Journal records are created.

  1. Click the Not Processed list view.

  2. Do not select any record. By not selecting any record, GoldFinch assumes that you want to process all records with the Processed field unchecked.

    1. If you receive a CPU limit error, try to select records by Warehouse.

  3. Select the Calculate Adjustments button to process the data. GoldFinch will compare the imported inventory balances with the current inventory on hand to calculate adjustments. GoldFinch will:

    1. Insert new adjustment lines with the Calculated Adjustment field checked.

    2. Update the original imported lines with the Processed field checked.

  4. Select the Create Item Journals button to process the adjustments. 

Error Resolution

In case of errors during the process of import, Adjustment lines and Item Journals will not be created until the errors have been resolved.

You will see the reason for the error in the Error Text field.

Edit details in the Import Inventory record to resolve the error. After the errors are resolved, create the Item Journal.  After the Item Journal has been successfully created, the Processed field will be checked.  

Post the Item Journal(s)

Once all errors have been resolved, one Item Journal will be created for each Warehouse.  

Review the Item Journals before posting.  Compare the Total Costs of the Item Journals with the Total Cost from the Excel document by Warehouse to ensure accurate costs.  If you use the FIFO Costing Method, the Total Costs of the Item Journals could be a little bit different from the Total Cost from the Excel document and it is expected.

Post the Item Journal as normal.

Mass Delete

The Import Inventory function has a feature to Mass Delete data.  This feature is useful if you import data then before you create the Item Journals, you want to delete the records.

  • Select the Mass Delete button to delete the data. 

You can either select the individual record(s) you want to delete or if you don't select any records, GoldFinch will delete all of the records where Processed is NOT checked.  

  • If you would like to delete all records in the table, use the Developer's Console.

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