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Create Service Items


Service Items are used to manage charges related to the purchase and sale of non-inventory items, such as services, fees, or shipping costs.

How to Create a Service Item

Open the App Launcher and search for Items.

Click New to create a new item.

In the Item Type field, select Service. This indicates that the item will not track inventory, so it requires a less detailed setup compared to inventory items.

Leave Finished Goods as the default option for the Inventory Class. Since service items don’t carry inventory value, this setting won’t affect postings related to inventory accounts.

Accounting Posting Setup for Service Items

Most service items will require an Accounting Posting Setup record to define which General Ledger (GL) accounts to use when posting a Sale or Purchase Invoice for that service item. If no specific posting setup is defined, GoldFinch will default to the GL accounts specified in the generic Account Posting Setup.

For more details, refer to the Configure Account Posting Setup documentation.

Example: Setting Up a Shipping Service Item

If you charge customers for shipping, create a Shipping service item. Define an Account Posting Setup for this item, specifying the Sales GL account for freight charges when sales documents involving the shipping item are posted.

  1. On the Item page, click New in the Account Posting Setup section.

  2. Assign the appropriate GL Accounts for the item.

Best Practices

  • Item Numbering: To organize your service items, it’s a good practice to start their item numbers with "Z-". This grouping helps when viewing lists of items and makes it easier to filter service items in reports or list views.

  • Separate Items for Purchases and Sales: If you both purchase and sell a service, such as freight, create two distinct items. For example, create Z-Freight In for Purchase Invoices and Z-Freight Out for Sales Invoices. Define the Standard Base Cost for Z-Freight Out. Using the same item for both purchases and sales can distort profit margin calculations on sales invoices, so this separation ensures accuracy.

Work Center Service Item

If the service item is used as part of a Work Center, check the Work Center field. Only items marked as Work Center can be used in item routing processes.

Outside Service Item

For items that involve outside services, check both the Work Center and Outside Services fields. A Purchase Order will be required to process outside service items on a Work Order.

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