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GoldFinch Job Scheduler


Instead of scheduling a job by going to Apex Classes or by using Developer Console, GoldFinch allows you to schedule a job by using the Job Scheduler function. You can also view the status of all jobs scheduled by the Job Scheduler on the same page.


Navigate to Setup\Picklist Value Set\SchedulableJobs.

Click New to add more jobs to the pick list.

Values: English Name for the end users.

API Name: This is the schedulable class name with a prefix. You don’t need to specify the prefix if the class is from GFERP package.

Click App Launcher to search for Job Scheduler.

You can select Run Now to run the job right away.

Or, you can schedule a job to run Weekly, Daily, or Hourly.

After the job is scheduled, you can view the job status on the Job Scheduler page.

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