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GL Summary Management


GoldFinch maintains a GL Summary table for GL Entries to improve the performance of financial reporting.


By default, GoldFinch does not automatically update the GL Summary table.

If you prefer to use the GoldFinch Accounting module, you must enable the GL Summary table by navigating to Custom Settings\System Settings. Then, create a new parameter: GLSummaryEnabled, with the Value = True.

Processing Steps

When posting transactions and creating GL Entries, GoldFinch automatically updates the GL Summary table using these 7 key fields:

  • GL Account

  • GL Ledger

    • This field could be blank when you only maintain one GL Ledger.

  • GL Variable 1

  • GL Variable 2

  • GL Variable 3

  • GL Variable 4

  • Accounting Period (calculated from the Posting Date of GL Entries)

GoldFinch tracks Posting Date instead of Accounting Period on Ledger Entry tables so that Inventory Valuation, AR Aging, and AP Aging reports can be run “As of” any historical date.

Only one GL Summary record is created for the unique combination of these 7 key fields.

GoldFinch will also automatically create an accounting period if it does not exist, just to minimize errors.

It is recommended to run Create Accounting Periods at the end of the year to create accounting periods for the next year.

Each GL Entry is linked to a GL Summary record.

In addition, when the Adjust Cost Routine is run at nighttime, GoldFinch looks for GL Entries with a blank GL Summary and then processes them to update the GL Summary table.

Error Detections

GoldFinch does not allow end-users to modify or delete GL Entries or GL Summary records.

On the GL Accounts list, GoldFinch maintains two summary numbers per GL Account.

  • Amount: which sums from the GL Entry table.

  • GL Summary Account: which sums from the GL Summary table.

These two numbers must always be the same.

You can click the Difference <> 0 view to see any GL Accounts that have differences.

Error Resolutions

After Daily Adjust Cost Routine is finished, GoldFinch automatically runs the following two jobs to ensure the GL Summary object is in sync with the GL Entry object:

  1. GLSummaryBatch job to process any GL Entries that have blank GL Summary.

  2. GLSummaryBatchRollup job to recalculate GL Summary amount from all linked GL Entries.

    1. You might encounter a Salesforce limitation error if you have more than 50K GL Entries linked to one GL Summary record. Contact GoldFinch support for help.

You can run Daily Adjust Cost Routine from the Administration menu at any time during the day to sync GL Summaries with GL Entries.

If you would like to reset the entire GL Summary table, contact GoldFinch support to ensure everything is done properly.

To reset the GL Summary table, you can delete all GL Summary records and then run the Adjust Cost Routine to process all GL Entries again. It may take some time for the routine to finish processing, especially if you have a lot of GL Entries.

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