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GL Entry-

Field Label

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The Account associated with the GL Entry.

Account Type

The Account Type associated with the GL Entry. Possible values: GL Account, Customer, Vendor, or Bank.


The GL Entry Amount.

Application No.

Reference to ALE application.

Applied-from CLE

The Customer Ledger Entry associated with the GL Entry.

Applied-from VLE

The Vendor Ledger Entry associated with the GL Entry.

Applied-from ALE

The Account Ledger Entry associated with the GL Entry.

Bank Account

Checking this field indicates that the GL Account is a Bank Account.

Bank Deposit

The Bank Deposit associated with the GL Entry.

Bank Reconciliation

The Bank Reconciliation associated with the GL Entry.


If checked, the GL Entry is cleared.

Cash Receipt

The Cash Receipt associated with the GL Entry.


If checked, the GL Entry is a correction entry.


If there is a non-zero value in this field, the GL Entry is credit.

Currency Factor



If there is a non-zero value in this field, the GL Entry is debit.


Area for entering details regarding the GL Entry.

Document Date

The creation date of the document associated with the GL Entry.

Document No.

The Document No. associated with the GL Entry.

Document Type

The Document Type associated with the GL Entry. Possible values: Invoice, Payment, Cr. Memo, or Refund.

Due Date

The Due Date of the document associated with the GL Entry.

Entry No.


Foreign Amount


Foreign Currency Code

The Currency Code associated with the GL Account.

From Finish WO

If checked, the GL Entry was created by the completion of a Work Order.

General Journal

The General Journal is associated with the GL Entry.

GL Account

The GL Account affected 

GL Account Name

The name of the GL Account associate with this GL Entry.


GL Batch

The GL Batch associated with the GL Entry.

GL Ledger

GL Ledger for the transaction. Default is blank.

GL Summary

The GL Summary associated with the GL Entry.

GL Variable 1, 2, 3, 4

The GL Variable Value defined on the Company Setup.

Inventory Account

If checked, the GL Account is an inventory account. It is mainly used to compare GL Entries with Cost Entries to detect any differences.


If checked, the GL Entry is from Purchase Invoice Posting.


If checked, the GL Entry is from Sales Invoice Posting.


If checked, the GL Entry is from Sales Invoice Posting or Purchase Invoice Posting.

Item Journal

The Item Journal associated with the GL Entry.

Item Journal Line

The Item Journal Line associated with the GL Entry.

Payment Discount%

The Payment Discount % given if the Invoice is paid on or before the Payment Discount Date.

Payment Discount Date

The cutoff date for receiving a Payment Discount.

Payment Terms

The Payment Terms defined for the transaction that generated the GL Entry.

Posting Date

The Posting Date of the GL Entry.


The Project associated with the GL Entry.

Project Task

The Project Task associated with the GL Entry.

Purchase Invoice

The Purchase Invoice associated with the GL Entry.

Purchase Invoice Line

The specific Purchase Invoice Line associated with the GL Entry.

Sales Invoice

The Sales Invoice associated with the GL Entry.

Sales Invoice Line

The specific Sales Invoice Line associated with the GL Entry.

Std. Costs Wkst

The Std. Costs Wkst. that generated the GL Entry.

Transaction Source

The type of transaction that generated the GL Entry.

Whse Receipt

The Whse. Receipt associated with the GL Entry.

Whse Shipment

The Whse. Shipment associated with the GL Entry.

Work Line

The specific Work Line associated with the GL Entry.

Work Order

The Work Order associated with the GL Entry.

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