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GL Budget-

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Document Status

The status of the GL Budget. Either Open or Posted.

Fiscal Year


GL Ledger

The GL Ledger associated with the GL Budget.

No. of Errors

A count of the total number of GL Budget Entries with errors.

No. of Lines

A count of the total number of GL Budget Entries.

Total Month 01

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 01.

Total Month 02

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 02.

Total Month 03

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 03.

Total Month 04

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 04.

Total Month 05

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 05.

Total Month 06

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 06.

Total Month 07

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 07.

Total Month 08

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 08.

Total Month 09

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 09.

Total Month 10

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 10.

Total Month 11

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 11.

Total Month 12

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for Month 12.

Total Months

A calculated summary of the underlying GL Budget Entries for all Months.

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