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Financially Voiding a Check and Voiding a Check - What are the Differences?

When you financially void a check:

  • The Vendor Payment’s Document Status must be posted.

  • The Financially Void Date is used to create reversing Customer Detailed Entries and GL Entries

  • The Financially Void Date can be in a different Accounting Period, so previous Financial Statements and AP Aging reports will not be affected.

  • After you financially void a Vendor Payment, its Document Status is changed to Financially Voided, and you cannot delete it.

  • You must create a new Vendor Payment to pay the original purchase invoices.

When you void a check:

  • The Vendor Payment’s Document Status must be Open before you can void a check.

  • After voiding a check, you can print the check again from the original Vendor Payment.

  • Voiding a check does not create reversing Customer Detailed Entries and GL Entries.

  • Read Void Checks from Vendor Payment for more details.

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