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Field Service Lightning (FSL) Integration


GoldFinch (GF) & FSL Integration synchronizes data between GoldFinch ERP and Field Service Lightning to gain inventory control in FSL.

Integration Settings

Settings Tab

Integration Enabled/Disabled – various integration triggers are executed to force data integrity when the integration is enabled. To disable the integration, use the company’s organization ID as the disable key.

Credit Card Payment Term – used for creating invoices if the Payment Type on the Work Order is Credit Card/ACH.

Cash Payment Term – used for creating invoices if the Payment Type on the Work Order is Cash.

Check Payment Term – used for creating invoices if the Payment Type on the Work Order is Check.

Default Currency – used for creating invoices.

Enable Email Notification – if enabled, the system sends an email to the Integration Admin Email Addresses when an integration error occurs.

Default Stock Bin – this bin is used to replenish vehicles’ inventory.

Product Request Fulfill Bin – this bin is used to move/receive special parts when creating purchase orders/bin movement from the product requestion function.

FSL Cannot Create New Locations – FSL cannot create locations if enabled. Locations must be created from GoldFinch bins.

The mapping provides the ability to map custom fields in addition to the standard fields.

The mapping provides the ability to map custom fields in addition to the standard fields.

Default Price Book – when a new item is synchronized to FSL, the integration will insert a price book entry using the default price book for the item.

The mapping fields provide the ability to integrate custom fields in addition to the mapped fields.

Block Update Work Order Status – used for Sales Invoice to Work Order integration. This flag controls Work Order updates from GoldFinch Sales Invoices. If statuses are blocked, when the integration tries to update the Work Order, the system will not allow it and return an error.

Allow Work Order Update – this flag disallows Work Order updates from GoldFinch Sales Invoices. When enabled, the system only allows the creation of new Work Orders.

Default Work Type – used as the default for creating Work Orders from Sales Invoices.

Auto Create Service Appointment – automatically creates service appointments using the Actual Shipment Date of the invoices after creating Work Orders. Please note with this enabled, the Auto-Create Service Appointment checkbox should not be checked on the work type.

Sales Invoice Line Grouping Field – when sending Sales Invoice lines to FSL to create Work Orders line items, there are options to send each Sales Invoice line or group Sales Invoice lines by the field and send the summary line.

Default Grouping Item – an item can have its packing item set up. If it is not specified, the system will use the default grouping item to create a Work Order line item if the Sales Invoice Line Grouping Field is specified.

Grouping Quantity Field – when the Sales Invoice line Grouping Field is specified, the system will group lines and sum the quantity field to create Work Order line items.

Discard Sales Invoice Lines with Zero Quantity – if summed quantity is zero, the system will not create Work Order line items if this flag is enabled.

The mappings provide the ability to map custom fields and standard fields.

The mapping allows inserting a Sales Invoice line for sales tax using the specified tax item and the amount field from the Work Order.

Auto Create Product Items When Posting Movement – if enabled, when posting warehouse movements, if product items don’t exist in FSL, the system will auto-create the product items from GoldFinch bins and items during posting.

Item Numbering Series – default numbering series used to create new items from the product requestion fulfillment process.

Auto Sync New Items – automatically synchronize the new items to FSL when creating them from the product request fulfillment process.

Auto Create Purchase Price Entries – when creating new items, specifies if the system should create purchase price entries for the vendor.

Fulfill Lightning Component – the product request fulfillment component is overridable from the client’s instance if a client needs to add their custom fields. This field should be gffsl__FSLProductRequestPurchaseOrder if no override is needed. If overridden, this field should be populated with the client’s lightning component name that extends the gffsl__FSLProductRequestPurchaseOrder component.

Default Purchasing Type for New Item Creation – default purchasing type for the new item creation from the product request fulfillment process.

Product Request Extension Global Class – if the client overrides the product request fulfillment component, this is the client’s custom controller class.

Purchase Order Validation Override Global Method – method to validate purchase order fields. The method is called before the product request fulfillment process creates purchase orders. The client method is to validate purchase line fields. The method is called before the product request fulfillment process saves purchase lines. The client can manipulate data here.

Purchase Request Item Creation Override Global Method – method to validate new items created from the product request fulfillment process. The method is called before the product request fulfillment process creates new items. The client can manipulate data here.

Job Scheduler Tab

GF Warehouse and FSL Location Integration

Lightning Page Setup

Drag and add the FSLWarehouseIntegration component from the custom components to the warehouse lightning record page.


To sync a warehouse with FSL, check Sync with FSL and click Save & Sync button.

To unlink, uncheck the Sync with FSL checkbox and click Save & Sync button.

GF Bin and FSL Location

Lightning Page Setup

Drag and add the FSLBinIntegration component from the custom components to the bin lightning record page.


Add Items By Inventory – this function quickly syncs items by available inventory on hand to create product items in FSL for the bin.

Add Items by Vehicle Types – this function syncs items that match vehicle type with the bins’ vehicle type to quickly create product items in FSL.

Transfer Inventory – this function quickly transfers the entire inventory from one van to another. It creates a bin movement for the inventory to be transferred. The bin movement must be posted to complete the transfer.


Check Sync with FSL, go to the Bin Details tab, define the vehicle parameters, and click Save & Sync button.

Click the Save & Sync button to confirm that you want to save when the window appears. Once synced, the newly created FSL Location that is now linked with the GF Bin (Vehicle) will show on the Bin page:

GF Item and FSL Product Integration

Lightning Page Setup

Drag and add the FSLItemIntegration component from the custom components to the item lightning record page.


Add Locations – allow adding items to more locations.

Field Mappings

Mapped Standard Fields with FSL Product

FSL Product

GoldFinch Item


Product Name


Product Code

Item No.



Inventory Product

Item Type = ‘Inventory’

Mapped Standard Fields with FSL Price Book Entry

FSL Price Book Entry

GoldFinch Item



Default Price Book

Integration Settings



Unit Price

Standard Base Price


On the right side of the Item page, you will see the GFERP & FSL Integration component:

There are two tabs: Sync Details and Item Details.

On the Sync Details tab, place a checkmark in the Sync to FSL field. This indicates that the Item will be used on Work Orders, and an FSL Product will be created and linked to the GF item.

On the Item Details tab, you can define a Default Min. Qty. and Default Max. Qty. to keep on a vehicle and on what Vehicle Type(s) the item would be stocked:

Click on the Add Locations button in the top right to define which specific Vehicles will stock the Item:

The Vehicle Type selected on the previous screen will be selected already and will filter the Available Bins/Vehicles at the bottom of the screen based on the Vehicle Type selected on the Van bin setup.

You can move one or more of the vehicles listed on the left to the right side of the screen to indicate that the Item will be stored on these vehicles.

Click the Add button to save your selections.

You will be returned to the GF Item screen where the data has been updated and you will be reminded that you have unsaved changes:

Click on Save & Sync and confirm that you do want to sync when the confirmation window appears. The Product and Product Location records will be created in FSL.

 Once synced and saved, the new FSL Product name will appear on the Sync Details tab:

Also, the Item Details tab will show the GF Warehouse and Bin with the associated FSL Product Item(s) that were created. It will also show the Qty. on Hand information for both applications:

The Inventory Item is now ready to be used on FSL Work Orders and carried over to GoldFinch Sales Invoices.

FSL Work Order to GF Sales Invoice Integration

Field Mappings

Work Order and Sales Invoice Mapping

FSL Work order

GF Sales Invoice


Bypass Shipment = TRUE


Sell-to Customer


Bill-to Customer


Shipping Street


Shipping City


Shipping State

Postal Code

Shipping Postal Code


Shipping Country


Billing Street


Billing City


Billing State


Billing Postal Code


Billing Country

Complete Date

Invoice Date

Posting Date = Today()


Default Currency

GFERP Warehouse


Product Consumed and Sales Invoice Line Mapping

FSL Product Consumed

GF Sales Invoice Line



Quantity Consumed


UOM = Base UOM

Unit Price

Unit Price


FSL Product Consumed


Work Orders from FSL will create GoldFinch Sales Invoices for two purposes:

1) To invoice the customer as appropriate and

2) To relieve inventory items from the vehicles used on that Work Order.

Work Order Status = Completed and the Invoice State = To Be Invoiced will define work orders that need the Sales Invoice created and posted.

The Invoice Status field will read either To Be Invoiced or Fully Invoiced based on the Number of Billable Products Consumed vs. the Number of Invoiced Products Consumed.

The Open Lines to Invoice will show on the Work Order's GF & FSL Integration section.

Change the Invoice Status to Ready to Invoice, then select Save.

After you select save, the Create Invoice button will be available.

Selecting Create Invoice will create a GoldFinch Sales Invoice ready to post. Posting the Sales Invoice will create an Accounting Seed billing and reduce any inventory from stock.

GF Sales Invoice to FSL Work Order Integration

Field Mappings

Sales Invoice and Work Order Mapping

GoldFinch Sales Invoice

FSL Work order


Sell-to Customer


Shipping Street


Shipping City


Shipping State


Shipping Postal Code

Postal Code

Shipping Country


Shipping Contact



GFERP Warehouse

Work Type

Default Work Type

Integration Settings

Actual Shipment Date

Start Date

Actual Shipment Date

End Date

Product Request Fulfillment

A product request is initiated on the Work Order. The Product Request Line Items are the records used when determining the purchase order to place.

Select a group of Product Requests from the Product Request list or select a singular record you will use to create the order.

Click the Fulfill Request button.

The Product Request Fulfillment page will open, where you will decide how to fulfill the product requests. 

To search by Manufacturer Part No:

Enter the Manufacturer Part No., then hit Tab or Enter. GoldFinch will search through the Cross Reference records. If the Manufacturer Part No. is found on a record, the corresponding information will be populated.

If multiple records have the same Manufacturer Part No, a window will open, allowing you to select the record you would like to use.

To Search by Vendor Item No.

Enter the Vendor Item No, then hit Tab order Enter. GoldFinch will search through the Cross Reference records. If the Vendor Item No. is found on a record, the corresponding information will be populated.

If multiple records have the same Vendor Item No, a window will open, allowing you to select the record you would like to use.

Manually select an existing item.

If you have a specific vendor that you would like to purchase the item from, enter the Vendor. The Vendor Item field will then be filtered by the items related to that vendor to select from.

If you have never purchased the item from a specific vendor, you can enter the Vendor and then select the existing item number in the Item field.

Check Quantity on Hand

If the item has been populated with an existing GoldFinch item, the Quantity On Hand Check function is available. You can select the Check link to see the inventory status. This will help determine if you need to purchase an item or if you have the item in inventory to transfer from the Stock bin.

Create New Item

If the item you want to purchase does not yet exist in GoldFinch, you can enter the information to create a new item.

  • Manufacturer Part No.

  • Vendor - enter the Vendor Number

  • Vendor Item No. - Enter the Vendor’s item number to be used

  • Item Description

  • Item Number Type - Mandatory

  • Item Number Sub Type - Mandatory

  • UOM

  • Quantity

  • Unit Cost

Replenishment Type

Once you have determined the item, you will need to decide if you will purchase the item or if you have the item in stock, you can process a transfer. You must define this in the Replenishment Type field. You will select either Purchase or Transfer.


After you have completed the information on the lines and selected the Replenishment Type, select Fulfill.

The documents that have been created are listed with hyperlinks.

Depending on the Replenishment Type, the following will occur.


If you decide to purchase, this function will:

  • Create any new items

    • create a related Item Cross Reference record with Vendor Item No. and/or Manufacturer Part No. provided

    • create a related Purchase Price record with the cost entered on the line

  • Create an Item Cross Reference record for an existing item with any new or additional Vendor Item No. and/or Manufacturer Part No. provided

  • Create one purchase order for each Vendor defined on the lines.

  • The Product Request and Product Request Line Item is linked to the Purchase Order Line.

  • The Purchase Line is related to the Product Request

  • The Purchase Receipt will need to be posted when the goods are received. When posted, the Fulfill Status on the Product Request Line Item will change to Fully Fulfilled.



If you decide to transfer the item from the Stock warehouse, the following will occur:

  • A Movement Whse Activity will be created to move inventory from the Stock bin to the SPOrder bin.

  • The Product Request and Product Request Line Item is linked to the Whse Activity Line

  • The Whse Activity Line is related to the Product Request

  • The Whse Activity then needs to be posted. When posted, the Fulfill Status on the Product Request Line Item will be changed to Fully Fulfilled.

Inventory Functions

Item Adjustment

Inventory is automatically updated in FSL when item adjustments are posted in GoldFinch.

Bin Movement

Inventory is automatically updated in FSL when bin movements are posted in GoldFinch.

Cycle Count

Inventory is automatically updated in FSL when cycle counts are posted in GoldFinch. System will deduct the quantities from the product items that are consumed on work orders by not yet posted in GoldFinch.

Vehicle Inventory Replenishment

This function is used to create a movement Whse Activity in GoldFinch.

Vehicle stock replenishment is based on the Min. Qty. and Max Qty. data that is assigned to the Vehicle in the GFERP & FSL Integration on the item and the FSL Qty.

  • Select Vehicle Inventory Replenishment:

  • Select the Warehouse. Once you do this, all vehicles assigned to that warehouse will appear under Available Vehicles.

  • Click anywhere in the Available Vehicles box and press CTRL + A to select all the vehicles, and click on the right arrow between the two boxes. This will move all of the vehicles to the selected box.

The Item Filter is there for training documentation only. Once a company uses this feature regularly, this field will be left blank, so all items will be considered for vehicle replenishment. Group by Vehicle is selected by default and is likely how a company will prefer to see the replenishment data.

Click on the Calculate Replenishment button.

The system will identify the items that need replenishment in each van to bring the item's total to the Max Qty.

The Min Qty and Max Qty fields will display the values assigned to the Vehicle in the GFERP & FSL Integration on the item.

The Quantity on Hand displayed is the FSL Qty on hand of that item and vehicle.

The Quantity to Replenish is the quantity needed to move from the Stock bin to the Vehicle bin.

Review the Stock Replenishment Report.

Run the Stock Replenishment Report to see if there is insufficient inventory in the Stock bin to replenish the vehicle bins. Only those items without enough inventory in stock will show on the report.

This report will show if you need to purchase any items before you can replenish the vehicles.

You can change the Quantity to Replenish if you have a reason to override the system calculation.

Create a Bin Movement journal.

Once the data is prepared, select Create Bin Movement to create a Movement Whse Activity journal. You can select if you want to create One Worksheet Per Vehicle or One Worksheet for All Vehicles to determine the number of Bin Movement worksheets to create.

Post the Whse Activity journal to post the inventory movement from the Stock bin to the vehicle bin.

Inventory Discrepancy Report

This report has been created to show differences between the GFERP Qty on Hand vs. the FSL Qty on Hand for items. This report should be run before doing a cycle count for a bin to aid in showing any invoices that need to be posted.

From the App Launcher, search for Inventory Discrepancy Report.


Set a filter on the Warehouse and Bin(s).

You can filter on a specific Item if needed.

Checking the Show Discrepancy Only field will filter the report only to show any items in a bin where there is a difference between the GF Quantity and the FSL Quantity.

The Show Pending Inventory Transactions field will show the Work Order where a quantity has been consumed, but the invoice has not yet been posted to relieve the inventory in GoldFinch.

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