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Enter Production Output for a Batch Manufactured Item


The way output is handled in GoldFinch depends on whether the item is Batch Manufactured or Discrete Manufactured. A key difference in Batch Manufacturing is that actual yields often vary from the expected output. For instance, a 100 GALLON batch may yield 99 or 101 gallons. This variability can be controlled using the Output Tolerance % set up on the Item.

Entering Output for a Batch Manufactured Item

Edit the Production Journal:

The Output Quantity is only edited if you're posting one batch at a time. For example, if your Work Order is for 10 batches, the Production Journal will reflect 10 batches. If you only want to post one batch at a time, you would adjust the Output Quantity to the number of batches you're recording.

Lot-Tracked Output Items:

  • If your item is lot-tracked, click Output Tracking Lines and then click Add Tracking Lines to enter the tracking details for the output.

Understanding Output Tracking

There are some differences in how output tracking works for Discrete and Batch Manufactured Items:

  • Discrete Items: The Unit of Measure (UOM) in the Output Tracking Lines will be the same as the UOM on the Work Order.

  • Batch Manufactured Items: The UOM in the Output Tracking Lines will not be the same as the Work Order UOM. For example:

    • The Work Order UOM could be Batch, where each batch equals 100 lbs.

    • The Output Tracking Line UOM might be LBs, allowing you to adjust for the actual amount produced. For instance, a Work Order of 5 batches may produce 499 lbs, and you would enter 499 lbs in the Output Tracking Lines to account for the variable yield.

This flexibility allows you to accurately track yield variations for each batch.

Entering Output Tracking Lines

For lot-tracked items, follow these steps to record the output:

  1. Enter Lot Numbers: Verify the Unit of Measure.

  2. Enter Quantity: Record the quantity for each lot number.

  3. Lot Manufacture Date: Defaulted to today’s date but can be modified.

  4. Lot Expiration Date: Defaulted to today’s date + the value in the Lot Days to Expire field from the Item setup.

  5. Country of Origin: (Optional) Select if needed.

  6. Save the Production Journal.

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