Enter Consumption
Now that your Output is entered and your expected consumption quantities have been updated, you are ready to enter your actual consumption of the components.
Enter Consumption Quantity
Edit the Production Journal once more.
Review and update the Quantity for each component as needed.
For a Batch Manufactured Work Order, the variance of Expected Consumption Qty. and the Actual Consumption Qty. must be within the Batch Consumption Tolerance % defined on the ingredient’s Item card.
Review the Bin from which the component item will be consumed.
Enter Consumption Lots
After you update the actual consumption quantities, you are ready to enter the lots used for those quantities for lot-tracked component items.
Click the Enter Consumption Lots button at the top of the Item Journal Page.
You will be brought to a screen that lists all lot-tracked components. Enter the Lot Numbers for each Consumption Line.
Enter a negative Quantity for each Lot No. (you use a negative quantity to remove inventory)
Save the Item Journal Line.
You will notice that the "Enter Lot" button will be green when all lots are entered.