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Electronic Document-

Field Label

Field Level Help

Account Field

The GoldFinch Account that will receive the email. The Account will have related “Electronic Document Setup” records to assign the electronic document and recipient email addresses to that Account.


If checked, the Electronic Document is active.

Apex Job Id

Used for scheduling the batch email job.

Batch Process Size

Specify the number of the emails to process in a batch.  

Suggested value = 10

Criteria Field (=True)

This is a checkbox field on the document record. When the checkbox is checked, the document will be sent according to a scheduled job. These are custom fields created by the system administrator.

Datetime Field to Update If Successful


Default Recipient Field

To bypass Electronic Document Recipient Setup, you can enter an API value for a contact field such as “GFERP__Shipping_Contact__c” or “GFERP__Shipping_Contact__c” and use it as your default email recipient.

Email Account Owner If True

Name of Account Owner if Electronic Document is active.

Email Body

Use {!} notation to include fields from the document record.

Email Contact If True

Name of Contact if Electronic Document is active.

Email Sales Rep If True

Name of Sales Rep if Electronic Document is active.

Email Subject

Use {!} notation to include fields from the document record.

Enable Preview

Control whether GoldFinch should display the document on the Send Document page when the Send Document button is clicked on the document record.

Field To Update If Not Meeting Criteria


Field To Update If Successful

Specifies the fields to update if the electronic document was sent successfully

Field to Update (=True)

Another checkbox field on the document record. GoldFinch will check this box after the document is sent. This field works together with the Criteria Field to prevent GoldFinch from sending the document again. These are custom fields created by the system administrator.


PDF filename can include fields from the document record. Example: The name of the Account for a Sales Invoice would be {!Name}


Used for scheduling the batch email job.

Html Format

Yes for Html, No for plain text.

Last Execution Message

Used for scheduling the batch email job.

Monthly Frequency

Used for scheduling the batch email job.

Namespace Prefix

Enter GFERP or GFCON to filter on sObject Type field.

Organization-Wide Email Id

Specify the from address. When this is set to "None", emails will be sent from the logged-in user’s email address.  Else select a Salesforce Organization-Wide Address to use.

Preview Height

Leave default.

Preview Width

Leave default.

Run At

Used for scheduling the batch email job.

Save as Activity

Check this field if you need Salesforce to capture the email in the activity timeline.

Sender Name

If using an Organization-Wide Email - specify the sender name to use.

sObject Type

The object of the document record


Used for scheduling the batch email job.

Use Organization-Wide Email

Specify the from address. When this is set to "None", emails will be sent from the logged-in user’s email address. Else, select a Salesforce Organization-Wide Address to use.

VisualForce Page

This is the document that will be rendered as a PDF and attached to the email. You will find a list of available PDF documents in the dropdown.  

Example: "SalesInvoicePDF" - It is possible to point to your own custom Sales Invoice PDF. Read this page Electronic Document Management - How to Email a Custom Sales Invoice PDF

Weekly Frequency

Used for scheduling the batch email job.

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