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Demand Planning Setup

Field Label

Field Level Help

Allocation Cut Off Date

If not blank, Outstanding Qty. on Purchase Line or Transfer Line with the Expected Receipt Date on or before the Allocation Cut Off Date will be included as available inventory for the allocation.

Consolidate Planning to Warehouse

This is for situations where planning by warehouse is not required.  All demand and supply quantities are grouped into the chosen warehouse.  If you have multiple warehouses and will require planning for all of them individually, you will leave this field blank.

Forecast Accuracy Calculation Method

Select from one of two options: MAD (Mean Average Deviation) or MAPE (Mean Average Percentage Deviation)

Inventory Period Type

Select if you want to plan for all time periods By Week or By Month.

Locked Best Fit Model

You can enter an active Forecast Model here to be used as the Locked Best Fit Model for any SKU that does not have this field specified.  Having this field specified will ensure the Calculated Best Fit Model will not be used for any SKU.  This is helpful if there is a lack of sufficient history or to simplify the forecast calculations.

Periods to Forecast

Input the number of future periods you would like to have planned.  The Inventory Period Type field selection will determine if you are forecasting by week or by month.  A maximum of 12 Months or 26 Weeks is permitted.

Periods to Re-Forecast

Input the number of historical periods that you would like to recalculate forecasts using active forecast models and compare the results with actual in order to determine the best fit forecast model for each of the SKUs.

Periods to Run Supply Plan

Input the number of periods you would like to run the supply plan for in conjunction with the inventory period type.  

Plan by Purchasing Agent

Check this field if you have many SKUs and would like to plan by Purchasing Agent.

Usage Start Date

The start date of Item Ledger Entry will be used to calculate Item Usage.

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