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Data Conversions

Now that you have tested various sample scenarios that you encounter in your business, you are ready to input your master data to Sandbox. Depending on the nature of the master data, you may manually input each record or you can take advantage of the GoldFinch Data Conversion features.  You will want to decide which method to use for each data set.  Review Data Conversion for more details.

Prepare Master Data Templates

If you have opted for the import method, download data templates to fill out - you should be familiar with all of the fields from your Sandbox. You can follow the links in the table below to learn more about each template and begin organizing your data. 



Template and Instructions

Import Accounts

Use this feature for both Customers and Vendors

Import Accounts

Import Items

Use this feature for all inventoried items - both raw materials and finished goods 

Import Items

Import Sales Prices

Use this feature to import Item pricing by Customer or by Price Group

Import Sales Prices

Import Purchase Prices

Use this feature to import Item Costs by Vendor

Import Purchase Prices

Import Master Data

After you have completed your templates, send them over, and we will work with you to get your data imported to Sandbox for more testing.  All setup data and master data will be copied to Live instance before you go live.

Import Opening Inventory 

You can test to bring in your open inventory for testing.  Accurate open inventory is required to hit the ground running with shipments on day one.  If you only have a few items, we suggest manually entering your opening balances in an Item Journal.  However, if you have many items with many lots, you may prefer to bring in the data using the template below.  



Template and Instructions

Import Opening Inventory

Use this feature to record your opening Physical Inventory Count.  

Import GL Budget

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