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Data Backup and Restore Strategy

Before going live with GoldFinch, it’s crucial to review the Best Practices for Salesforce Data Backup and Restore Strategy to prevent unintended data loss. While Salesforce is a robust cloud platform, it is still possible to lose critical business data due to human error, integration issues, or other unforeseen circumstances. For more details, read the Salesforce article on data backup and recovery here.

Backup Solution Recommendations

  • Commercial Backup Solutions: Ideally, you should implement a commercially available backup solution. These tools offer automated, comprehensive backups and quicker restoration processes, which are crucial for business continuity.

  • Salesforce Weekly Export Service: If you don’t have a commercial backup solution, you should, at a minimum, use Salesforce’s Weekly Export Service. This feature backs up your data in CSV format once a week. However, please note that restoring data from CSV files can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Scheduling Salesforce Data Exports

  1. Schedule Weekly Export: Ensure that all data objects are included in the export.

  2. Download the Backup: Salesforce retains the backup zip file for only 48 hours. After this period, it will be deleted, so make sure to download the file to your local computer or external storage promptly.

By implementing a sound backup and restore strategy, you can protect your critical data and minimize risks during your GoldFinch implementation and beyond.

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