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Cycle Count by Importing Inventory Ending Balances

Managing Inventory with 3PL Warehouses

If you manage your inventory through 3PL (Third-Party Logistics) warehouses, you can request the end-of-month inventory balances from your 3PL provider in a CSV file. GoldFinch offers a function called Import Inventory Ending Balances to help you efficiently import and adjust your quantity on hand based on this data.

Steps to Import Inventory Ending Balances:

  1. Request a CSV File: At the end of each month, ask your 3PL warehouse for a CSV file containing the inventory balances. Ensure the file includes relevant information such as item numbers, quantities, and any additional required details.

  2. Use the Import Inventory Ending Balances Function:

    • In GoldFinch, navigate to the Import Inventory Ending Balances feature.

    • Upload the CSV file provided by your 3PL warehouse.

    • Review the imported data to ensure that the item numbers and quantities match your records.

  3. Adjust Quantity on Hand:

    • Once the CSV file is imported, GoldFinch will automatically update your inventory to reflect the accurate Quantity on Hand based on the 3PL's report.

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