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Managing GoldFinch Custom Settings

GoldFinch allows you to control system behavior through various custom settings. Follow these steps to create or update custom settings.

Steps to Create or Update Custom Settings:

  • Access Custom Settings:

    • In Salesforce, go to Setup and navigate to Custom Settings.

  • Find the System Setting:

    • Look for System Setting under the GFERP package.

  • Manage Existing Settings or Create New Ones:

    • Click on Manage.

  • If the desired setting is already listed, select it to edit.

  • If the setting does not exist, click New to create a new custom setting.

  • Enter the Details:

    • Provide a Name for the custom setting.

    • Specify the Value that you want to assign.

  • Save the Changes:

    • Click Save to apply the changes.


Important Note:

Upgrading the GoldFinch package will not automatically create new custom settings or modify the values of existing custom settings. Any necessary updates must be made manually.

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